Chapter 12

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Hi guys! Sorry its been a while I was away from home. Did you enjoy my last chapter? Did it leave you wanting more? I hope so because that's what I was aiming for. Vote and Comment!

"What!" I shouted out, breaking the awful deadly and dangerous silence. I slapped a hand over my mouth and the sound of my hand connecting with my mouth echoed in the big room. Cole and Aaliyah looked around the room suspiciously trying to find whoever was in this house with them. I was once again very thankful that I was invisible.

"That sounded a lot like Annelise," Aaliyah pointed out to Cole. I got a bit frightened that she recognized my voice. Surely they don't know that I also have powers. "But it cant be her, shes still back at school in class."

I let out a sigh of relief and decided I needed to get back to class. I started walking towards the door of the house and then realized that I had no idea how to get back to school. I had to wait until Aaliyah left.

Cole and Aaliyah had conversation about random things for a while. I no longer liked Cole and his sexiness because he is planning to kill me. Its just wrong to like someone who is planning to kill you.

Oh my gosh Aaliyah! Get back in that car before I miss the whole entire Biology period! How long can I pretend I was in the bathroom?

"I should get back to class now," I heard Aaliyah say in a disappointed tone.

"Alright then. I'll see you later." Cole leaned in and gave her a light peck on the lips. She quickly said goodbye and headed off towards her car and I followed her.


Once we had gotten to the school there was only five minutes of Biology remaining. I knew I had to get back to the class before Aaliyah does. If we got back at the same time or after her she might think something was up.

I got inside the school slightly behind Aaliyah and then I tripped her. She fell forward onto her hands and was laying on the ground. I took this as my only chance and sprinted to the Bio door. I turned back to normal so people could see me and walked into the class.

The whole class turned my way and Mr. Welch was silently scolding me with his eyes. "You are forty minutes late, Annelise. Could you explain why you took so long in the bathroom?" He asked me in a disapproving tone.

My eyes widened. How was I going to come up with an excuse? I knew what to do. I just had to bring up what makes people most uncomfortable. Even this wouldn't excuse being gone for so long but I assume he will let it slide. "Well... I'm on my period and I had to go change my pa-" I lied but Mr. Welch cut me off.

"No need to go into further details, Annelise. Take your seat, and next time you will not be allowed to go to the bathroom in my class, OK?" He asked me.

"OK," I said, nodding my head to show him that I understood. There was still a few minutes remaining of class so I pulled out my book and read until the bell rung, signalling the end of class.


"So can you tell me why you were really gone so long during Biology?" Lizzy asked the second we walked through the front door of my house. I almost forgot that we have every class together.

"Um yeah I guess but you have to promise not to freak out when you find out what happened. Can you do that?" I asked her. She is gonna be so surprised when she finds out what happened at Cole's house. I never even knew that Aaliyah was watching me. It was actually kind of creepy if you thought about it. Was she stalking me or just simply watching me at school?

"I can probably do that," said Lizzy while she nodded her head. I nodded my head back at her, showing her that I knew that I could trust her.

"Alright," I tell her. "So when Aaliyah walked out on the phone I wanted to see what she was talking about." I momentarily paused to remember the events of the day before slowly continuing. "I followed her into the parking lot and she got in her car and drove to this huge house. It was beautiful!" I exclaimed like it was the most perfect thing in the world. "There was this guy there and he was absolutely gorgeous. Like Greek god gorgeous!" I almost scream at her.

"Ooo he sounds hot..." Lizzy said in a girly voice.

"He did have a six pack," I said while quickly brushing my fingers over my lips as I thought of him. "But that's beside the point. Even though he was an extremely hot guy with muscles we cant spend forever fangirling over him. I have a story to tell."

"OK, continue please," she told me.

"Well I already told you about the house and Cole. Well apparently Aaliyah has been working with Cole. She has been spying on me and feeding all the information to Cole. She is kinda like a stalker or like someone who is helping a stalker. Anyways, Cole knows that I'm a mind reader and he thinks that I'm dangerous. I was like me? Dangerous? So yeah, he has this thing against mind readers. By the way I'm pretty sure he doesn't know that you are a mind reader."

"Thank God!" Lizzy shouted in excitement.

I rolled my eyes and continued to tell my story to her. "Yup! Well he has this big thing planned. This is what he said, 'That's why on September 23 we are going to kill Annelise Mabelle.' He is going to kill me, Lizzy! Someone is going to kill me!" I yelled frantically.

She just looked really calm about the situation while I was pacing around the room breathing like I just ran a marathon. I was really worried and she was just silent. But then she opened her mouth and I immediately turned to face her. I expected her to tell me how to avoid dying but all she said was, "I know. I already knew this."

Hi! Did you like the chapter? Was it kind of boring? If it was can you give me ideas on how to make it better? Thank you guys for reading. Vote and Comment! <3

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