Chapter 16

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Hey guys! Im dedicating this chapter to Mia_Wolf88 for adding my book to her reading list and also for just being awesome. Guys I know this might seem like a really short book but there are only a few more chapters left :( I will make the best out of them I promise! Hope you like!

Aaliyah and Parker were coming over to my house later. I could tell Parker had a distaste for her and I knew that Aaliyah didn't really like him but they were just going to have to deal with it. Lizzy agreed to hang out too. I had told her that she had to otherwise I would barely be spending any time with her and there was only limited time left.

There was a small knock on the door and I opened it up, letting Aaliyah into the house. We sat around awkwardly for a bit but then there was another knock on the door. I let Parker into the house with a smile on my face.

"Hey Parker!" I greeted.

"Hey Annelise. Hi Aaliyah," he said with no emotion.

I gave him a be-nice-or-I-will-rip-your-head-off look and he smiled at Aaliyah.

"Do you guys want anything to drink?" I decided to ask after minutes of beyond awkward silence.

"Water," Aaliyah said dully.

"Do you have milk?" asked Parker.

"Yeah," I answered. "I'll be back."

I walked off into the kitchen pouring a glass of milk and filling up a glass of water. This was so awkward and boring. I needed to find something to do. If I didn't Aaliyah would probably leave bored out of her mind and never talk to me again. Quite frankly I believe that if it gets any more boring she will shoot me in the head today.

I walked back to the living room, handing everyone their drinks. I decided that I should say something that I planned to do after my day of death to make her feel bad for ruining my dreams." So in a few months I was planning to go to Italy to visit my parents for the first time in eight years," I lie.

Total lie. I couldn't visit my parents in Italy, my parents weren't in Italy, my parents weren't on Earth. I should've said, so in two weeks im planning on visiting my parents in heaven. Then I wouldn't have been lying.

She was silent. So silent and I needed to hear what she was thinking.

I pressed two fingers to each temple and hacked into her murderous head. I don't want to kill her. She must have so many things planned. She hasn't even seen her parents in eight years and Im about to take that away from her. I have to do what Cole says though, otherwise he will kill me. I wish I could delay the date but its too late. He already moved it ahead to the sixteenth.

The sixteenth? That was in a few days! What happened to the twenty-third? I was going to die way too soon.

Lizzy walked into the kitchen and I looked at her frantically. 

'What?' she mind-linked me. I almost forgot we could do that. We hadn't mind-linked in forever.

'Cole... he moved up the date to the sixteenth. Im going to die in four days Lizzy! Four days!'

'Not if my plan works,' she reminded me.

'It probably wont!' I wail.

'Have a bit of faith, Annelise,' she commanded me.

"You guys look like your having some sort of mental conversation," Parker said, interrupting our mental conversation.

I laugh, partly to make Aaliyah think that I didn't know that she knew about me, and partly because of how spot on he was. "Yeah, totally," I say sarcastically.

There was a small ping noise from the other end of the room signalling that someone got a text message. Aaliyah pulled her phone out of her pocket and slid her finger across the screen.

"Hey guys it was nice talking but I've gotta head out. See you guys later!" Aaliyah announced. She got up and waltzed out of my house. Yeah she sure had a nice time talking when she didn't talk at all.

"Well yay. She's finally gone," Parker said.

"You just don't like her only because she's trying to kill me. If she wasn't I'm sure you wouldn't have a problem with her. I don't even think I would have a problem with her," I said.

"Well hey. If you and I only have four days left. If you die maybe Azrah will take you with me," Lizzy said.

"Yeah, maybe. Lets not think like that right now," I replied. I didn't want Lizzy to leave. I wish she would've just kept her mouth shut and let me figure it out on my own. If I would've survived that way then we would always be together.

"Well um... I should probably go too," Parker said, standing up and walking towards the door.

"Okay, I'll see you later then?" I asked. I didn't know if I would see him. We might not hang out before I die.

"I hope so," he said and I could hear the double meaning in his words. I hoped so too.

He walked out the front door with a small wave and a quick bye. I walked over to the window and watched him get into his car and drive away. I really did hope so.

So did you like the chapter? I rewrote Chapter one of this book so if you want then you can go check that out. Its shorter than the first version of it but it is more informative. Love you guys! Bye.

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