Chapter 9

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Hello my wonderful readers. I have 3 reads on chapter 8 which is about as much as I expected when I first wrote this but im wondering where did all my readers go? Whatever Im just grateful for the three that I have. Lizzy's revenge is in this story. Hope you enjoy and please read the message at the end of the chapter. The picture on the side is Jezabelle.

I pressed my fingers to my temples lightly as I sat at my lunch table with Lizzy. I was reading through Jezabelle's mind to see if she was having second thoughts about hating me. So far the only thing I learned was that she was totally obsesed with her boyfriend. I hacked into Jared's mind as they were talking to see what he was thinking. Jezabelle is acting so weird lately. Its like she angry at everyone but is hiding it behind a smile. I feel like she doesnt even want to hang out. She is always talking about things other than us. Those words surprised me and I wondered if she ever talked about me. Probably not though, she doesnt even look at me the same anymore. I was getting frustrated at myself for this. It's my fault isnt it? I was too clingy I guess. Too needy and desperate for a friend. No, that's not it. I wasnt desperate for a friend and I never forced her to do anything she didnt want to, if she didnt wanna hang out we didnt hang out. Her harsh words are obviously corrupting my thoughts. I cant let her get to me.

I had just taken a bite of my less than appetizing schools lunch, when Lizzy started talking. " Hey, guess whats happening today?" she asked.

I shrugged my shoulders because I wasnt really in the mood for talking. She hit my back harshly and the force caused my food to fly out of my mouth. "What was that for? I was eating that you know!" I yelled at her. Im not in the mood for this. Today is not the day to mess with me.

"Stop acting so miserable. I know that for some stupid reason that brat is making you depressed but I have something that will make you feel much better," she said while a sadistic grin spread across her face.

"Woah, Lizzy. What's up? Why do you look so blood thirsty like you're about to get revenge or something? It's creeping me out could you please stop," I said in a fake scared voice. Her facial expression actually was kinda creepy and I did not enjoy the grin she wore on her face. She looked a little like a girl version of Jeff The Killer.

"Oh shut up," she screamed in an amused and embarrased voice, "I'm not gonna kill anyone! But actually, we are about to get revenge."

My eyes widened and filled with curiousity. "Who exactly are we getting revenge on?" I questioned in a beyond cautious tone.

"The devil's spawn that is sitting two tables away from us," she replied nonchalantly.

My eyes traveled over to Jezabelle and Jared and realized just exactly she was talking about. My eyes widened in horror and I started shaking my head saying, "No, Lizzy. No no no no no NO NO NO NONONO! Whatever you're planning she would totally catch us in the act." I kept shaking my head at the thought of getting caught and then being hated even more. If I thought this was bad, think about how life would be after that. Never in a million years was I going to get revenge on her, even if she turned my world upside down.

"You can only get caught if you are the one to carry out the plan. That's not the case with our plan though. Okay, so do you remember Michael Parrings?" she wondered.

"Of course I rememeber him! He broke Belle's heart!" I yelled loudly. A few people turned around and stared at me but luckily my voice didnt reach Jezabelle's ears.

"Shhhh!" Lizzy laughed, "I know, you told me that when I asked you the other day. Anyways, I was thinking a good way to get her back would be to get her new boy toy to break up with her. I can tell she's totally obsessed with him already and she would totally be crushed if he broke up with her. Do you get where I'm going?" she asked.

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