Hey guys.

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I just want to warn all of your before you read this stories sequel that it is completely unedited. Also it was written by a 10 to 11 year old. Dont let the age stop you though, I am still very proud with my work. I will probably go back and edit it soon and when I edit I will delete this message. I hope that you enjoyed Deadly Mind Games and maybe even read more of my stories! Oh, and another thing. I dont mind when people self advertise on my books, I actually quite enjoy it and I would love to check out your stories, all you have to do is ask me. I also appreciate feedback on my books, how I can fix it or if you point out errors that I make. It makes my job easier as an author and Im fine with it as long as you're polite and not being rude about it or hating on my book. I dont have a problem with you if you dont like my book, just please dont comment mean things about it, that doesnt help me at all. Thanks so much for looking at my book, I really appreciate it and hope that you enjoyed it. BAI!

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