Chapter 11

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Hello my friends. I am so happy right now I can barely breathe! Deadly Mind Games has jumped from 3 reads to 8. Now I am aware that it is not that many people reading my story and it is not that big of a jump but honesty it is more than I expected for this story. I would like to thank all of you for being supportive (by reading my story) and I love you guys. Anyway this chapter is longer than the last one, thank god, and interesting (at least I think so) Thanks so much! Vote and Comment! :)))) The picture on the side is Cole. (You will find out who he is later)

At Aaliyah's sudden interest with whoever was calling her, I became interested too. All I needed to do was get out of the classroom. I raised my hand up high in the air to make sure that Mr. Welch could see it. 

He looked in my direction and his face slightly frowned. "Yes, Annelise?" he asked like he had no intention of letting me do whatever I was about to ask.

I scooted to the edge of my seat and replied loudly, "I have to go to the bathroom." The class laughed a bit but then settled down. I could see a girls shoulders shake in the front of the class as they silently laughed. I rolled my eyes at their immature behavior. Like they never have to go to the bathroom.

"Can you wait another ten minutes for me to finish explaining the unit?' he asked in an annoyed voice. Oh my God, cant you just let a kid go to the bathroom?

"No, I cant wait, I need to go now," I responded forcefully. The class around me snickered once again and I just wanted to shoot them all in the heads. Why couldn't I have thought of a better way to get out of the classroom. I all I did was embarrass myself.

"Then I suppose you can go," he said. 

I got up from my chair and walked up to the door. I took a deep breath before turning the handle to the right and pushing the door open. I walked out of the room with a straight back and closed it behind me. I turned invisible so Aaliyah wouldn't see me when I was snooping on her phone conversation. All I have to do now is find her.

"I know," I heard a serious voice come from a few hall down. I followed the voice until I found a student and a teacher having a serious conversation. OK, so that's not Aaliyah. I walked around the whole entire school but there was no sign of her. I walked up to the window of the school door that looks out into the parking lot. Aaliyah was standing by a car with her phone held between her head and her shoulder as she applied another layer of lip gloss.

I looked around the hall to make sure nobody would see the door mysteriously open when no one was there, before continuing into the parking lot. When I got to the black car she was standing by I stood beside her and listened carefully to the conversation though I could only hear one end of it. 

"Yeah, I have a ton of classes with her," she replied to whatever the other person said. "Oh of course I will," she said. There was a long pause before she said something else. "Yes, please!" she screamed excitedly. "I'll come over immediately," she continued. My dirty mind was working rapidly about her excitement.

She opened the car door and got inside the car. Oh no, what am I going to do now? I walked over to the other side of the car to see if there was any way to get into the car. Thankfully the passenger side window was rolled down. Thank you Mother Nature for making today such a hot day! I crawled in through the window as quietly as I could but it was also easy because Aaliyah was still babbling away on her phone. I sat down just as she started the car and pulled out of the parking space.


We reached an enormous blue house that was in the middle of nowhere. I knew that this house belongs to the person that she was talking to and I was excited to learn what he looked like. Or at least I assumed it was a he. 

Aaliyah climbed out of the car and I did the same. I followed her to the door of the house but paused in front of the door. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go inside. I wanted to hear the rest of the conversation but I cant just walk into someones house when I don't know them.

I had to make up my mind quickly though because Aaliyah began to close the door. I decided that I didn't have anything to lose. Its not like they could see me anyway. 

I slipped through the door quickly before she shut it, as if she was waiting for me to come through. I looked around the house. It was fancy. There were chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and all the furniture looked like it cost a fortune. I sat down on a love seat and immediately felt like I could fall asleep. I couldn't though, I needed to focus on the task at hand.

I followed Aaliyah into the living room. I found out that the person that she was talking to on the phone was indeed a boy. A sexy boy. His shirt was off and he was standing against the wall as if he was waiting for our arrival. Which, by the way, he was.

He had a wonderful six-pack and very muscular arms. On his left arm he had a tattoo. He was tan, like he spent all day in the sun and was tall, most likely six foot. He had black hair and beautiful blue eyes. His face was perfect and his lips looked absolutely delicious.I was drooling over him and I was suddenly very happy that I was invisible.

"Hello Cole! Have you missed me?" Aaliyah asked the boy. Cole? Even his name sounds sexy. Why did he have to be so sexy?! Couldn't he be ugly? Why must the world make every boy that I come across irresistible. Okay that is not true, I have met boys who are the opposite of irresistible. 

He smirked at her with his pretty little mouth and then replied, "Why? Did you miss me? Actually dont answer that. I already know the answer to that question." He almost ruined himself for me with that attitude. Notice that I said almost. I still wanted him more than anything.

Cole moved across the room to Aaliyah and ran his hand down her arm. "I need you to do me a favor. It is the same reason that I have asked you to spy on that girl and keep a close watch on her. I haven't told you this before but there are things that are not human in this world. They are called mind readers. They are partially human but different. They can read your mind and they know everything about you. They are dangerous," he whispered to her. They are not dangerous! I wanted to shout. 

He smiled like he had a plan that no one in this whole world could stop. "That girl that you have been following is a mind reader. She is dangerous and cannot be trusted with anything. That is why on September 23 I want you to kill Annelise Mabelle."

Hello again! Did you like the chapter? How do you think Annelise is going to react to this? I will update again as soon as possible. Thank you so much for reading! :) I love you all! Goodbye!

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