Chapter 1

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"And there it is." The doctor moved her hand away from the screen and for the first time we saw our baby. "Wow." Negan gripped my hand and smiled down at me with a glimmer of joy in his eyes.

"Everything looks great! I'd say keep up the good work" The doctor spoke again but I couldn't take my eyes away from the screen. For months Negan and I had tried for a baby, but there had been no luck till finally the result that had changed our lives forever.

"Now, I'll need to see you in two weeks for a check up. We'll get you all set up at the front desk." She smiled kindly once we were finished.

"I still can't believe I'm going to be a dad." Afterwards Negan's eyes were still wide as he helped me up and grabbed my purse. "I can. You worked very hard to get here." He had a knowing smirk to his lips as he leaned in to kiss me. "We both did." He chuckled and intwined our fingers. "Let's go daddy, I'm starving."

"Woah!" Negan pushed me behind him when an ambulance sped off a little too close to where we stood from the exit. "I wonder what that's about?" Negan stared as the truck sped down to the ER entrance. "Well, whoever it is I hope they are ok."

"Bon appetite." Negan placed the simmering plate of food down in front of me. "Mmm, handsome, caring, and knows how to make a mean bowl of chili. My, I am lucky." I grinned. He leaned down, pressing his soft lips to mine. "I'm also amazing in bed."

I laughed and immediately worked into the bowl. "I can't wait to drink wine again." I eyed the red liquid being poured into the glass while taking a bite of my food. "You will. Just as soon as baby Matthew is born." He smiled and took a sip of the liquid. "And who said it is going to be a boy?" I used a napkin to wipe my mouth and gave a cocked brow to Negan. We had decided we were going to wait till the birth to find out the gender and of course we fought on what it was going to be.

"Just have a feeling." He put his glass down and I rolled my eyes, smiling. "Just as long as its healthy, I don't mind. But we both know its going to be a girl." I grinned, while taking a sip of my juice. "To a healthy baby with the most beautiful woman in the world." He raised his glass and I did the same. "Cheers."

National crisis. That's what everyone was calling it. Negan and I were advised by local police and radio stations alike to evacuate our home and seek a local crisis shelter. I clutched his arm tighter while he put bag after bag of clothes and other basics in our trunk.

"Hey." He raised his hand to cup my face in his warm palm. "Everything will be ok, I promise." He pulled me into a tight hug and I kept it in, trying to be strong for the 3 of us. "I'll protect you. Both of you." He smiled weakly and kissed the top of my head with the other hand gently held my big bump. "Let's go." He helped me into the car and we were headed to the city.

There was so much noise. So many people. The tent at the center was enormous. Yet with hundreds filling it, The place was down right claustrophobic. Crude beds had been spread out with thin blankets and the faces of those terrified and confused with the gun toting military unable to answer any of our questions.

"Are you ok?" Negan held my cheek while he examined my face. "I'm ok, just tired." I placed a protective hand under my swollen belly and rested my head on Negan's chest. "Just rest, baby." He wrapped his arms around me and I began to close my eyes, already feeling myself start to drift off from the exhaustion and heat. The smell of hundreds of people assaulted my nostrils but I didn't have the strength to care. A sudden scream of distress came into the distance and both Negan and I shot up. "What's wrong?" I asked and Negan looked around, trying to find the cause of the scream. A woman covered in blood was running through the crowds as members of the Swat team went to tackle her. "No, you don't understand, they're out there!" The woman cried and Negan pulled me closer.

"Everybody get back!" It all happened so fast. The things began to flood the tent. People were screaming, scrambling to get away from them and in their haste trampled over one another in large piles of bodies. Dozens of people went running toward us. Pushing and falling. Falling and stumbling to get up again. I held close to Negan, gripping with all my might and only let go for a moment to help a boy who couldn't fight the crowd. I turned when the boy had been helped to his feet but Negan was gone. Eaten up by the wave that swallowed us whole. "Negan?" I hurried and fell into the current. The weight of my belly slowing my steps but I refused to stop. "Negan!" I screamed so loudly it rattled my bones and made me light headed.

I wasn't watching where I was going until I was knocked face first onto the floor. The taste of blood filled my mouth and spilled onto the floor when I tried to speak. Protest to the people stampeding on top of me. On top of the belly now mashed into the floor and the searing pain that had me reeling from the impact I could no longer bare.

"Move! Please get out of the way! Ann! Ann! I thought I heard his voice in the chaos. Slowly, i picked myself up, holding my huge belly while dragging myself through the current of the moving herd to the voice I swore was my husband's. Gritting my teeth, i tried to ignore the pain and the blood that had began to drip down from my brow. Or was it my head? I started to slowly jog away from those things that were getting closer. They got a few people and the room filled with blood curdling screams. "Negan..." I looked around but couldn't find him. There were too many people. and I couldn't hear anything else but the screams.

"Move!" I felt a hand grip my arm and turned around to see a young man. "You're gonna have to run faster than that." He looked back quickly and tried to push me forward. "Please, I have to find my husband. We got separated." I released my arm from his grip, looking everywhere for Negan amongst the crowd. "Listen to me, you aren't gonna make it out of here walking as slow as you are. Please just let me help you and we will find your husband." I could feel my own heartbeat and it was thumping harder by the minute. Looking around, everything seemed to go slower and I froze in my place. I couldn't breathe and i felt like I was going to pass out. "Lady? Hello?" The stranger began to lightly shake me, I could feel nothing.

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