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The sun was just coming up when I saw the gates of Alexandria. Eugene had been on guard and when he saw me, he quickly ran to the gate, opening it.

"Ann." He pulled me into a tight hug and I smiled weakly before letting go. "What happened? How did you get here?" He looked around, probably expecting to see Negan. But I shook my head. "I made it out. I needed to come home."  He only nodded before pulling me in for another hug.

I began walking towards Rick's house. I held my breath and knocked on the door. "Ann!" Michonne's eyes lit up in what I knew was shock when she saw me. She grabbed me and held me tightly into a hug. "I'm hoping, you're alone." I chuckled against her shoulder and nodded in response.

"This time, I am." I looked over her shoulder, seeing Rick and Carl who had ran over. "I'm so sorry." I cried into Rick's shoulder when he offered his own embrace. Not long after Rick had called the rest of the group over and we all sat at the table in his kitchen.

"We've missed you." Carl smiled as he walked over for his own hug. "So have I." Sasha and Rosita both came out and I hugged them closer, whispering how sorry I was. Hell, I wasn't sure if they'd turn me away after...Maybe they will once they know...

"It's ok," Sasha started, "You're home and that's all that matters right now." We all sat down and I began to explain.

"He was my husband, before everything. I hadn't seen him since the day Glenn brought me back from Atlanta. I thought he was dead until he caught us on the way to Hilltop." I finished after coming clean. They all sat in silence. I twiddled my thumbs together with my back hunched over. I was afraid to look at any of them.

Rick was the first to speak up. "Why didn't you just tell us?" I took a deep breath and raised my head. "I didn't want you guys looking at me differently because I was once married to him."

"We would never." Glenn walked over to me. "You're part of this family and that will never change." When he hugged me I dropped my shoulders and clung tightly to the feeling of relief I found in his words. "I thought I could change him. I had hope for him. But after Abraham...I was wrong." I chuckled. Small tears pricked at my eyes.

I was home but how could I get him out of my mind? His smell, his cocky comments, and that annoying grin. But no matter how much I'll miss him, We can't be together. He can't ever know.

After everything, I was emotionally and physically drained. Everyone went back to their morning but I needed some sleep if I was going to face the rest of the day. I left Rick's house and headed across the street. I didn't stop my slow jog till I reached the handle of my old room I hadn't seen in weeks.

I sat there. Hoping sleep would rescue me from my racing mind. This was it. I broke down in tears. I have to forget about him. But how can I now? I'm pregnant. More tears came flooding and I curled into a ball.

"Ann?" I had awoke to the sight of an empty space next to me. I thought perhaps she was in the bathroom, but when I got up and made my way to the room, it laid empty.

She wouldn't. I hopefully thought. Everything came to a screeching halt once I saw the piece of paper laying next to my bedside. My stomach dropped out of my ass and I had to sit down. I grabbed the piece of paper, scanning my eyes over the words.

I can't stay here anymore, Negan. I love you, but I know there will always be that side of you...he's someone I can't ever get rid off no matter how hard I try. I'm going home. My family needs me and I need to be with them. I was foolish to think we could start over. But that's not the world we live in anymore. Goodbye, Negan. Please don't come after me. Signed, Ann.

Tears slipped onto the paper when I had finished. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't see. I felt everything fall apart. My chest began to hurt as I sobbed into my hands.

"Negan?" I heard Dwight call from the door. I stuffed the letter away and wiped my eyes before he could see my true state. "What?"

"Simon and I are heading out. Are you coming with?" I shook my head and stood up. "No. We are done scavenging. We're going back to our old system. Tell the boys to round up a truck and head for the Kingdom to collet."

He nodded his head, shutting the door behind him and left me alone. I needed some time to fix myself up from this mess. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the sink.

I had kept everything I had worked for. But lost the only thing that I truly ever loved. I wanted to go after her, beg her to come home and beg her to forgive me. But I had to stop being a baby and realize she was gone. She chose to leave. She chose those shitheads over me and I wasn't going to sit here and let it ruin me. I can't. I have to move on.

"You look like shit." I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror. Tear stained cheeks with a snotty nose. I went for something to blow my nose in the hopes of making myself look like the leader I need to be. "Fuck me." I muttered when I missed the bin and the used tissue fell to the floor. I bent to pick it up but dropped it when I noticed something in the trash.

"No." I whispered and fell to the ground. I sat, staring at the two pink lines on the pregnancy test.
She's pregnant with our baby and she left. I slowly got up and began walking into the other room to get dressed. I have to see her again. This can't just be it.
We can't just leave it like this. I made my way to the door and closed it as I hurried down the hall.

I can protect her. I can protect our baby. I jumped in my truck and started it up. I lost both Ann and my baby once, I'll be damned if I let it happen again.

 I lost both Ann and my baby once, I'll be damned if I let it happen again

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And that's a wrap. I gotta say I'm sad to see this story done but all good things must come to an end. It's been a blast writing and I like to think Ann and Negan will see each other again. But I just like to thank everyone who has read or even just checked this story out. It means the world and I can never thank you all enough. As always thanks for reading. And have a lovely day night evening where ever you are at :) I don't two anyone?

The Way We Used To Be [Another Negan fan fic] [completed]Where stories live. Discover now