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The next morning I had awoke to a groggy head and a cold spot next to me. "Ann?" I looked around but couldn't find her anywhere.

"Shit." I muttered and quickly stood. The bags were gone and all that was left were empty bottles and my stupidity to trust her. I knew it, it was all an act. I grabbed my bat, realizing I needed to come up with a plan to get out of here. She went back to her family. I pushed open the door and stormed out without a second thought. Of course it was an act! How could you be so stupid to trust her so soon? I looked around to see the parking lot empty and felt like I was going to vomit.
How could she do this? After last night?

"Fuck!" The Walker had me pinned against the wall within seconds. Mouth wide open and growling for my face. I dropped the bat by the surprise of it all and had to keep both hands to its throat. Ann I thought back to the little move she pulled when we first got here.

I snapped the bastard's leg and was able to get it off me. I quickly grabbed my weapon and bashed the head in. For a second I just stood there, trying to catch my breath until the liquid from last night came up in foamy chunks. I wiped my mouth and looked around, I heard something pulling into the distance and I got ready for whoever it might be. Even if it was Ann, maybe with the whole lot of her crew. The truck had stopped and it was...Ann? She quickly got out and started running over to me. "Are you ok?" She grabbed my face and began to check if i was hurt.

"I'm fine. Where did you go?" She smiled and started pulling me by the hand.
"You were out like a light by the time I woke up. I knew you'd be hungover so I lead the remaining walkers to the woods and came back. I was hoping you wouldn't have gotten yourself into any trouble while I was gone."

She smiled again and for the second time since this whole thing started, I was left dumbfounded. "I thought..." I started but she turned around and kissed me hard, taking me by surprise but I collapsed into the embrace. "Thought I left? Unfortunately, you're stuck with me for now." She let go of my hand and got into the passenger seat of the truck and leaned over. "You coming?"

I couldn't help but stupidly smile at her. "Don't boss me around." I climbed into the drivers seat. The feeling of it all was almost overwhelming. "Wait." She grabbed the red scarf from the dashboard and went to tie it around her eyes. "Not today." I snatched the article and threw it out the window. I smiled again and put the truck in drive. She propped her feet up on the dashboard and I drove off, hoping this was the start of everything I'd been trying to tell her.

"Thank you." Negan muttered just above a whisper as we drove back to the Sanctuary. "For?" I put my feet down from the dashboard and sat up. "You didn't leave. Even when you could...Thanks." The word was quick out of his mouth and he gave a nervous glance over.

Negan hadn't known I sat in the truck for awhile this morning. My hands shook with anticipation but I couldn't do it. I couldn't leave him. So, for some time I sat. Last night wasn't everything but it wasn't nothing either. I was so into my own thoughts I realized I hadn't said anything since Negan's little 'thank you.' But before I knew it, I leaned over and hugged him. He wrapped an arm around me and I kissed his stubby cheek. "I told you, Negan. When I leave, I'm gonna see your shocked face as I drive off." I joked and felt Negan grip me tighter.

Negan stopped the truck and I looked up, seeing the Sanctuary for the first time. "Smaller than I thought." I teased and Negan jumped out to help me. "You know, I really don't need you helping me every time..." I was cut off by the suddenness of being pulled into his chest.

"Woah, Negan

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"Woah, Negan." I pushed back. "You can't let these people see you like that." I leaned in "They might realize you actually have feelings." I whispered the last part and he smirked. "They won't catch on, sweetie. And if they do, I'll just bash their heads in." He strolled past me as he began to whistle. I prayed that was a joke.

Stepping inside, an overwhelming sense of dread came over me. The halls were long and dark. There was a door at almost every turn and I felt like I was in a gray maze. There's something about this place that was empty and dead. Still, I followed Negan as he led us back to his room.

The Way We Used To Be [Another Negan fan fic] [completed]Where stories live. Discover now