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"You know they're planning to kill me." Negan walked out from the bathroom with just a towel around his waist.

"Can you blame them?" I looked up from my book and Negan glared at me. I knew he was right, I saw it in Ricks eyes. I saw it in everyone's eyes. But if I just had a moment with them...if I could just tell them the whole story...they'd see there is still time. They'd see there is still time to change Negan.

"You just have to make yourself less of a threat." I cheerily joked and Negan gave me a "really" look. "If I did that, I'd have nothing." He kissed me on the nose and went to grab his jacket and keys.

"If you did that, then they wouldn't want to kill you." I walked over and raised an eyebrow looking up at him.

"Just saying." He grabbed my face and kissed me hard as I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Mmm, you taste even sweeter than the last time we kissed." Negan smiled and I smirked biting his lip. "Regular Chapstick." I smiled, kissing him again and he moved his hands down to my waist leading me to the bed. As we fell down, he climbed on top of me. His rough hands sneaking under my shirt. The sudden chill of his palms sent a shiver down my spine.

"Eager much? I thought you had to go?" I looked up at him and smiled. "I have time." He said in between breaths as he began pulling at my jeans, tugging them down to my ankles. Soon it was my panties and then followed Negan and his own clothes.

"May I?" Negan looked at me and I nodded before skillfully filling me up. "Oh.." I gasped half in pleasure and half in pain, still getting used to his size again. "Fuck, we should do this more often." I smirked, hiking one leg over his waist. My hands finding his hair to tangle my fingers in his dark locks. Before he could find rhythm to his motions, I rolled us over, getting on top and pressed my hands into his chest. His hands were gripping my waist as he held me in place, slamming himself repeatedly. The angle hitting just the spot I needed him.

"Fuck, Ann. I missed you fitting like a damn slipper." His voice was low and it caught in his throat. I threw my head back. Swirling my hips even quicker on top Negan.

"Fuck, I'm gonna.." Negan muttered and I clenched myself tighter just to tease him even more. "Shit.." He interlocked our hands and together, our moans of pleasure mixed in the air as we both came down from our satisfaction.

"Now you're dirty all over again." I smiled as I got dressed once again. Negan smirked, shaking his head.  "If this is dirty then I want to be filthy." I walked over and poked him on the nose. "Shut up." I smiled. Negan grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into his chest. "Only if it's to kiss you." He flashed a smile before we shared a sweet smooch.

"Stay out of trouble." Negan placed a peck on the forehead and began making his way towards the door. "Then I won't have any fun." I joked, and Negan wagged his finger towards me before closing the door.

After awhile, and after I had finished my book. I felt the need to stretch my legs and find something else to do. I can't believe they didn't end up together. Thinking back to the finale of my book.

I slung my jacket over my shoulders and walked out of the door. I didn't really know where or what I was doing. But I never do when I'm inside the compound. None of the people really liked me, expect for maybe Crystal. but I hadn't seen her since the day we left for Hilltop.

My thoughts were silenced by the voices coming from down the hall. "It was much easier doing it the other way." The voice said, but stopped when he saw me.

"Hi." I put on a friendly smile. Trying to break the awkward and new found silence. "Hi." The stranger replied and they both walked past me.

"As I was saying." He looked back at me and they finished the conversation. Can't say I blame them for not liking me. At least the feelings mutual.

As I turned the corner, i found myself at the top of a long and dark staircase. I assumed it had to have been to the basement...yeah..I think I'll pass. Soon I was off wondering the main halls lost in my own thoughts. I like to move as I think..

"It helps your mind work faster." The words of my late grandmother came to mind as I smiled. My trip down memory line was throttled as I heard footsteps behind me. When I'd stop, they would. When I'd pick up speed, they'd do the same. I didn't really care because it was probably just one of the saviors keeping an eye on me..but quite frankly, it was getting annoying, and I wanted to be alone.

I began to speed walk down the hall and came upon a right turn. As I hid against the wall, I could hear the footsteps picking up and soon a person appeared in front of me. "Can I help you?" I grabbed the person by the shoulders and turned them around, only to be met with a shaky blue eyed Crystal.

"Crystal? Need I ask why you are following me?" I let go of her, stepping back. I wasn't mad, but I did want answers.

"Some of the guys told me you were wondering around the compound. I know when I first got here I got lost through out the day." She explained, and my expression softened.

"Oh, sorry for the uh, rough handling." I dusted her shoulders off and she smiled, shaking her head.

"No worries. I didn't mean to scare you." She chuckled and I waved her off. "It's ok, thanks for looking out. To tell you the truth I was starting to become lost." I lied. What? I couldn't let her know I had already mapped out the top half of the compound. It just happened..I like to know my surroundings.

"Well, since you're going to be around for awhile how about I show you around?" Crystal brightly offered and I thought for a minute, before nodding my head.

"I'd love to. Thank you." She smiled and I followed her around the previously unseen parts of the compound..I'm surprised..Crystal was actually really nice.

The Way We Used To Be [Another Negan fan fic] [completed]Where stories live. Discover now