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I was screaming and kicking with all my might. Dwight held me back as another helped him. I did my best trying to look over the crowd. I could still hear Negan talking and for a moment, I saw my family. They were on their knees. "No!" I yelled and was dragged to the room. They had gotten me to the door but as they went to push me inside, I was able to elbow Dwight right in the stomach and luckily he went down.

I ran as fast as I could down the hall I knew led into a circle. I can make it.

The sound of Negan's voice got closer. I sprinted towards my family. I could see them, I can save them. "Stop!" I screamed but halted dead in my tracks when it happened.

Negan swung the bat and it landed on Abraham. He went down, but slowly pulled himself up and set his eyes right Negan. "Wow. I'm impressed. Takin it like a champ!" Negan laughed as Abraham muttered. "Suck." "My." "Nuts." There was blood coming out of his mouth and Negan began hitting him again.

He wouldn't stop, he just kept bashing and bashing as everyone looked in shock and Sasha sobbed. I couldn't move. Tears were pouring out of my eyes but I couldn't move. I was watching a member of my family be murdered, yet my legs stayed there.

Was it shock? Was it such pure disbelief that this was happening. could you? I mustered the strength and my legs finally began to move. A tight grip found my shoulder and I was spun around to see Dwight behind me. His arm raised with a gun.

I just sat there. I was in the chair as Ann laid in bed. She was knocked out since last night and I feared what would happen once she woke.

I didn't want to do it. As much as I tried to deny it all, Ann was changing me. I was finding my old self and the same views I used to have. I didn't kill Jerry or Crystal. Even though I wanted to. I was changing. I had my wife back. She trusted me and she was happy with me. Now those fucking shitheads ruined everything. I couldn't just let them walk. I needed to show everybody they couldn't just do whatever they want. I had make a point...I had to.

"Fuck!" I knocked a lamp off the small coffee table in my fit of frustration and cursed myself when I remembered Ann in bed.

She began to stir and soon her eyes opened. "Ann." My voice became mild and I slowly walked over to her. "Please, understand I had to do that. I..." I held her face in my hands but stopped mid sentence when she pulled away. "You killed him." She faintly whispered as she slid out from the bed. She wouldn't even look at me. But I could see in her eyes she was afraid of me. Everything we have been through, only to be back right where we started. She made her way to the bathroom, I followed but she closed the door in my face.

"They came to take you away from me." I put my hand on the door and leant against it. I've told her so many times the examples I needed to set to keep this place running. To keep everything we have. To stay alive. How can she not see I had no choice. I couldn't just let this go...again.

There was silence on the other end but I could hear the shower faucet began to run. I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry." I whispered and backed up from the door.

I'm sorry. I walked over to the bedroom door and looked back once, before closing it behind me...I''m sorry, Ann."

The warm water was running down my body as I held my knees to my chest. The shower mixing with my tears. I couldn't believe it. I had hoped last night was all a dream. I would wake up in Negan's arms and this would all be over. But I couldn't. Every time I closed my eyes the thought of Abraham...

I began to sob again with my forehead against my knees. Everything came down on me at once. For Abraham, for my family, for Negan.

I thought he was changing. I knew he wasn't a saint but he was getting better. I saw it, I saw it in his eyes. Now all I see is the same Negan back at the camp. The one who was ready to give me the bat too. Abraham was innocent. They didn't come to hurt anyone. They just came here for Abraham was dead. Half of this was my fault.

After awhile I physically could not produce anymore tears. My eyes were sore and my nose ran a warm liquid. I stood up and turned off the water. Stepping out, I felt myself sick and almost fainted as I held onto the shower curtain. Drained and my head pounding with thoughts, I took a deep breath and knew what I had to do.

I can't save Negan. I can't fix him. I thought I could, but after last night...he showed me where all of his progress went. It died with Abraham. I have to leave. It's time and I must return to my family. Where I truly belong and have always belonged.

After I had gotten dressed, I began packing. My clothes, water, my hunters knife and my hope for Negan. I don't know when I'm leaving. I can't do it now. There are Saviors everywhere and they will stop me. But whether tonight or tomorrow...I'm going home.

What do you think? I had to add the death of Abraham because it was truly a awesome peace out for a smart mouth character like him. I'm feeling pretty iffy about these chapters so tell me what you think in the comments. Also thank you!!!this story as reached 5k and I couldn't be more grateful. It truly means a lot and I just want to thank everybody who checks out this crap story. As always thanks for reading and have a lovely day :)

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