Veterans Day

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Jane's POV

My former high school has a Veterans Day assembly and I went this year.

Maura went with me. At the breakfast, my former principal, Vince Korsak came up and hugged me.

"Thank you Jane." He said. "For what?" I asked, regretted having done so.

"For serving our country when you didn't have to."

I smiled, "You're welcome." He gave me his card, "Call me when you are free. We are in need of a security guard."

"Thanks." I smiled.

Soon the assembly started and I remembered everything. I wanted to cry, but I was asked to do a speech.

"And now, West Boston High alumni, please welcome Captain Jane Rizzoli." The ASB president said.

I stood up and walked to the podium. The students applauded.

"Thank you, have a seat." I cleared my throat.

"When I was about eighteen, my father died serving our country. I held my family together until four years after they Army came knocking on our door. He died ten years ago. Six years ago, I enlisted.

"Just about the same time, a freshman linebacker at the University of Georgia decided to do the same after college. You may know him as Bradyn Isles. I knew him as Brady.

"On my first deployment and on his second, a car bomb blew, killing him. Now, I may not be blood related, but by marriage I am so I can call him my brother.

"I have two younger brothers. We're all five years apart. I'm almost twenty-nine. The middle, Frankie just turned twenty-four and the youngest, Tommy just graduated last year. From here like Frankie and I.

"Though Frankie and Tommy are my brothers by blood, Brady was my brother in spirit. Now why am I talking about Brady? Brady should have been here and telling his story, but God planned for me to survive and tell all of you this."

I took a breath, "Sorry, give me a minute."

I was trying not to cry. I looked at Maura, who wanted me to keep reading off my note cards.

"Captain! Captain!" Someone started chanting before everyone stood up and cheered.

"Thank you, please be seated." I said.

Once they settled down I spoke again. "I'm gonna leave you with this. Brady used to say this all the time.

"He'd smirk and in the deepest voice he could he'd say: ' To serve my country is greater than serving myself.' Think about that. Thank you." I stepped down as everyone clapped.

The orchestra played the "Band of Brothers" theme and showed pictures of those who couldn't be here today. Maura cried when Brady's picture came up.

The assembly finished up and me and the other veterans shook hands with the students and teachers.

After that, Maura and I went home and made fiery love.

As we lay in bed, I was looking at the ceiling when Maura kissed my cheek.

"Happy Veterans Day, Love." She said.

"Thank you baby." "No. Thank you." "For what?" "For serving our country."

Thank you to all those who have served. This chapter is dedicated to those who have served, who are serving, and those who died to keep America safe.

God bless the USA.

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