Law and Order Part 2

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The Supreme Court looked different than the layout in Boston. Jane noticed that the desks were closer together.

She wanted to win so that she could retire and have Abbie out of her ear. 

The way they did things were the same as the first trial. Jane wasn't intimidated by Chris. Her and Abbie had talked with the judge and Jane was allowed to try her hand at a closing statement.

After Chris finished his statement, Jane stood up.

"Hi. I'm obviously not Abbie, but I wanted to close with my own words." Jane shyly spoke.

The Jury chuckled.

"Anyways, uh, I wanted to close because it's better you hear from me than Abbie. Why? Well, I am, was, and always will be a Marine. There is no such thing as an ex-Marine, but I want to be a Veteran. 

"My wife and I just welcomed our baby girl into the world and I had to miss part of her pregnancy just to rescue Admiral Day. I was shot, well the bullet grazed my ribs pretty damn good and I could have died leaving my wife and daughter behind. Imagine, going somewhere and your wife is expecting and getting shot or God forbid, killed.

"So I stand before you today, a Marine. A wife. A mother. And I beg you to see what the Marines are doing to me and my family and take that into consideration. Please think not of your country, but your neighbor. Think about that when you make your choice."

Jane went and sat back down.


"Has the Jury reached a verdict?" The judge asked.

"Yes Your Honor."

"In the case of Rizzoli v United States Marine Core, where do you stand?"

"In the case of Rizzoli v United States Marine Core, we decided..."


Ha! Cliffhanger! Didn't see that coming did you? Keep on reading!

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