Right Before the Storm

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Maura set plates of breakfast down for her four children.

"Hey! Breakfast is ready!" She yelled.

Abree was the first down and was playing on her phone.

"Hey Bree, may you please put your phone away?" Maura asked.

"Sure." Abree spoke sarcastically. She definitely got that from Jane. Caitlin, who preferred to go by Kate, came down next.

"Where's Mama?" She asked. "She got called in at two in the morning." "Why aren't you at work?" "I'm going in later. BPD knows I have to get all of y'all to school. Speaking of that, where are your brothers?"

"No I didn't!" "Yes you did!" "Mommy! Tony took my lucky hat!" Brayden yelled. "No I didn't!" Anthony yelled.

"Hey you two, quit! Tony did you take your brother's hat?" Maura asked. "No." "Don't you lie to me Anthony Jackson. Did you?" 

Tony looked down and pulled out a Red Sox hat.

"Gimme my hat!" Brayden yelled.

"Go eat your breakfast." Maura said as her phone rang.

She answered, "Doctor Isles."

"Maura, it's me Frankie. It's Jane. Something's happened.

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