Abree Part Two

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She was nineteen years old when the name Abree came to her. Angela suggested Abrella, but Jane thought that was hideous. 

It was maybe two in the morning when Jane thought of Abree. It was so beautiful. So pure. 

The skinny nineteen year old, was about seven months along with her, now, ex-boyfriend Casey Jones', daughter. She was glad Casey gave up his parental rights to join the Navy.

Jane smiled at the name of Abree. 

The next morning, Jane told Angela and her brothers the name of her unborn daughter. 

Everyone loved the name.

Angela was at work when Jane first went into labor. Frankie drove as Tommy held her hand and tried to keep her calm.

"Can't you go any faster Frankie?! She's breaking my fucking hand!" Tommy yells before getting slapped by his older sister.

"Well, if you want to get pulled over, than no." "Frankie, go faster! It hurts having a- OH FUUUUCCCKKK!" Jane screams.

They got her there and Jane went under an epidural. "Where's my daughter?!?!" Angela yells. Jane was half awake and, still, in a lot of pain, despite being given an epidural.

Angela ran into Jane's room to find two of her children all freaked out. "Thomas Edward Rizzoli! Stop looking at your sister's vagina!" Angela yelled.

"Sorry Ma, but it's my niece." Tommy whined, "Not very many kids in the fourth grade have nieces." 

"It hurts Ma." Jane sobbed. "Oh baby, I know. I've had three kids." Angela sat next to her daughter.

Jane rolled to her side as another contraction wrecks her body.

"Tommy, get a doctor. Jane's in too much pain." Angela said.

Another hour later and Jane was pushing. Angela was in the room with Jane. "Ma, it hurts!" Jane cried.

"How far is she?" Angela asked. "The head is not coming. We need to move her to a c-section. Now." Jane's doctor, Doctor Jill Stein said. Doctor Stein was an older woman who was really kind and was the most seeked out doctor when it came to teen pregnancies.

Tears left Angela's eyes. 

Things didn't get any better for Jane and Abree. Once Abree was out, Jane held her before both her and her daughter stopped breathing. 

"Mrs. Rizzoli?" Asked Doctor Stein. "How are they?" Angela ask, standing. "We tried all we could, but Baby Rizzoli-"

"Abree. Her name is Abree." "Abree didn't make it. Her lungs weren't fully developed and there wasn't much we could do. Jane is fine. She did have a blood clot, which was why we took her to a c-section."

"Does she know that Abree's gone?" Angela asked. "She does. She didn't take it too well. She's been asking for you and her brothers for the last ten minutes." Doctor Stein put a hand on Angela's shoulder, "I'm so sorry."

Angela nods. She told the boys about Abree and they were devastated.

They went to visit Jane. Jane was even more devastated than her family. Tommy and Frankie got into the small hospital bed and hugged their sister. 

After she was sent home from the hospital, Jane locked herself in her room for four days. 

Angela grew worried. 

"Jane? Jane, may I come in?" Angela asked. The door unlocked. Angela walked in. Jane looked terrible. Her dark hair was in a sloppy braid. She had bags under her eyes and her eyes were red. 

"Oh Janie, I'm so sorry. You know she was too small." Angela said tracing soothing circles against Jane's forehead.

"She was too early Ma. No one should have a baby at seven and a half months." "Did you tell Casey?" "Yeah. He didn't seemed too phased that I lost her."

"You didn't lose her." "Yeah, but Ma you didn't hold her."

Jane turned away. 

"Jane?" Angela asked.

"Ma, I'm going to join the Marines." Jane said.

Angela froze. When Frank Sr. joined the Marines, he was killed sending the Rizzoli family on the events of the last year.

"I know it's your choice, but Jane hadn't we lost enough?" "Pop's died because of a selfish choice, Ma! Abree died because she was too small..."

Angela sighed, "I'll support your decision, but wait a few months before deciding. Take some time to grieve."

"I'm done grieving, Ma. I fucked up after Pop's died and I want to do something right with my life." Jane stands and walks over to the window.

Angela followed Jane. "Jane, when you do leave for the Marines, wear this. It's waterproof" She gave Jane a bracelet.

On the bracelet, it had in tiny lettering, "There's nothing that I wouldn't do. I'd go to the ends of the Earth for you. Abree Rose Rizzoli, born on a warm Sunday morning with a whole lotta love."

"Ma..." Jane's voice softened. "Jane, she's your daughter, she deserves to be remembered." Angela placed a kiss onto the top of her daughter's head.

"I love you Ma." Jane says hugging Angela. "I love you and I love Abree too."


This was kinda a filler chapter, but this chapter will come to play later. 

The next chapter is when we go to court. Keep on reading!

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