On Her Majesty's Secret Service

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After Jane had gotten home from DC, the Rizzoli-Isles clan began looking into help.

They had gone through about twenty people and neither of them liked any o the people.

"God, can we stop?" Jane groans after the last one left. "We have one more. At least give him a chance." Maura said.

Jane got up as soon as she heard a knock. She opened the door.

"Good evening Ma'am." Was all Maura heard. "You are Darius Jackson the third, right?" Jane asked. "Fourth, actually." "Well, come on in."

"Thank you." Maura got a good look at Darius. He was maybe 5'6'', African-American, and had an earring on his left ear.

"Darius, this is my wife, Doctor Maura Isles-Rizzoli." Maura stood and was about to shake his hand, when he took it and kissed the back of her hand.

"Might I add, beautiful?" Darius asked.

Maura blushed at the young man.

"Have a seat." "Thank you."

Jane sat before speaking, "What makes you better than the others?"

"I did have four sisters. I was the fourth of five and I know how to clean and cook." Darius said. That was a deal maker for Maura.

"Well if you work for us, it will be like you're on Her Majesty's Secret Service." "I can handle." "You sure?" "Yes Ma'am."

Jane leaned forward, "Look me in the eyes and say you can handle."

"Yes Ma'am. I can handle." Darius spoke back.

"You're hired." Jane leaned back.

He smiled, "Thank you guys so much." "You're welcome. You can move into the guest house tomorrow." Maura said. 

"As well as meet Abree." Jane interjected.

"Alright, see you tomorrow." Darius shook their hands before leaving.


Sorry for the wait! I have school and work so stories may not be updated often as much as I'd like.

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