Sousuke Yamazaki- Finally

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<Anime: Free!>

Here goes. This was requested by bluebolt4523 and ya. Pls enjoy
(P.s. just in case some of u don't know~
(Y/n)- your name
(S/t)- skin tone
(H/c)- hair color
(E/c)- eye color)

~3rd person p.o.v.~

(Y/n) swam his last lap, trying his hardest to break his record time. Yeah, it wasn't as fast as Rin's or Sousuke's, but he always set little goals like that to get better.

He was one of the best swimmers on the Samezuka team, no doubt about that, but he had low self-esteem when it came to his skills.

"Still swimming, huh?" A voice split through the air as soon as the (h/c) colored male finished. (Y/n) took off his goggles and cap, looking up at the male by the exit.

"Yeah. I'm still trying to beat my old time." (Y/n) explained, getting out of the pool. He grabbed a nearby towel and somewhat dried himself a bit off.

"You know, you might overwhelm your body with too much swimming. Take it easy." The captain of the Samezuka swim team advised.

(Y/n) gave a thumbs up as he made his way to the changing room. "Will do Rin."


(Y/n) adjusted his bow tie as he picked up a tray on a counter full of delicious foods.

He set it down at the customer's table and quickly excused himself.

Yes, (Y/n) works in a maid/butler cafe as a part time waiter.

He was about to sit down as soon as the front bell rang, signalling the arrival of more potential customers. He groaned and hit his head on the counter. You see, (Y/n) is a very lazy man outside of a pool.

"(Y/n)! Mone- I mean valuable customers are waiting for you to serve them! Go and show some spirit!" His boss ordered him. (Y/n) lazily looked up and sighed.

"Don't go to them this instant, and I'll cancel your vacation days coming up."

As soon as he said that, (Y/n) sprang up and forcefully smiled widely. "I can't wait to work!" He grumbled as he walked towards the entrance.

"Welcome to...." (Y/n) trailed off as he neared whoever was waiting for service.

"(Y/n)? Why are you here? And dressed like that?" Rin stifled a laugh. Sousuke gave a small smile and lightly elbowed Rin.

"Shut up. Why are you guys here?" (Y/n) questioned as he shut his eyes in irritation.

Never did he want Sousuke, his crush, to know that he works there, nor did he want him to see him in a butler costume. He thought he was hiding that job so well from everyone.

"Well me and Sousuke got hungry and decided to grab a bite to eat. Now we're here." Rin said with a smirk.

(Y/n) took in a deep breath and let it out. "Fine, just follow me." He said as he led both males to a table. As soon as they got settled, (Y/n) took out a notepad.

"What can I serve you today, sirs?" (Y/n) asked in a monotonous tone. Rin glanced at Sousuke, (Y/n), then back at his best friend.

"Gee I don't know. I'm not really feeling welcome here, how 'bout you Sousuke?" Rin asked.

Sousuke glared slightly at Rin and took a deep sigh.

"It's okay."

Suddenly Rin's phone rang, which gave him a better idea.

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