Tamaki Amajiki- In Love

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<Anime: Boku no Hero Academia>

Requested by: WolfieWrites13

I forgot to post this yikes. Dang I used to be so motivated back when I stared but now I'm just *sad yeehaw*

Anyways, hope y'all enjoy our shy boi ;)


Chattering, laughter, and murmurs filled Tamaki's surroundings along with the aroma of different kinds of street foods.

Normally, he wouldn't be one to go out to a market this crowded, but you invited him, and it was almost impossible to say no to you when you had that sort of sparkle in your eyes. Tamaki tried hard to ignore everyone who was bumping into him, doing his best to make sure not to lose either you or Mirio. That proved to be difficult as the both of you were basically jumping around from shop to shop, and it was a weekend near Christmas.

"Mirio, Tamaki, now's the time to tell you two why I brought you here." You said once the three of you left the market. This made confusion dawn into Tamaki.

Why exactly had you invited them out of the blue? Usually all three of you would plan a few days ahead if you wanted to hang out which wasn't the case this time. Why did you suddenly want to say now that the three of you had left the outside market and were a few streets away from it?

"Oh yeah. I've been wondering that for a while now," Mirio said. So it hadn't been just Tamaki thinking something was different.

Before answering, Tamaki took note of how your cheeks began flushing into a rosy state, and how your eyebrows knit themselves together in thought. He found it cute when you were bashful.

"Well, the market was kind of just a look around thing because I didn't really find anything I liked. I want to head to the mall now. I'm looking for a present." You explained while scratching your arm.

A present, Tamaki thought, If you just wanted a present why didn't you just say so from the start?

Mirio and Tamaki shared a look, as if asking without words if it was okay to go.

"Is it alright if you can make it quick?" Tamaki asked, to which you grinned, assuring him you would have it done as soon as possible, and just needed their opinions on a few things.

You had a slight jump in your step as you led them past the main entrance of the mall, your eyes scanning everything in your sight. For what, was yet unknown.

Tamaki's stomach fell as he saw how many people had also decided to spend their time there. Instead of going to find a wall to press his head against to momentarily escape the sea of shoppers, he found himself reaching out to you. He hugged you from behind, placing his head onto your shoulder, making both you and Mirio feel for the introvert.

"Let's go into this store since there's not many in there right now." You said gently, reaching your arm over to pet his head. Tamaki felt the vibration of your soothing voice, and subconsciously held on a little tighter.

Going into the store, Tamaki saw it was filled with clothes, shoes, and a few other stuff. He had since let go of you, and decided to look around as well, wanting to be of help, even if he had no clue what to look for. He had no idea who the present was even for.

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