Yuri Plisetsky- Coffee Shop

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<Anime: Yuri on Ice>

Requested by: Septemberfirst1989. I'm really sorry it took so long to come out. I usually work on different requests while I'm working on the one that's supposed to come out next, and time really does add up at some point.

Anyway, enjoy!


A heavy coffee aroma filled the small shop that Yuri had decided to enter on a whim. He was running low on energy, as he was up until late at night, and had to wake up early.

As he stood in line, Yuri took notice of another customer, one who was right in front of him. The line was a long one, and Yuri's phone battery was pretty low so he didn't want to waste any charge. By doing so he wasted time just trying to figure out the person in front of him.

It was a person who was shorter than him for one. From what the blonde could tell, the person had a good shape which meant they might work out, but he couldn't be sure. They're style wasn't worth any kind of bragging but it was a sort of casual kind.

From behind, Yuri couldn't help his eyes going a little lower, snapping his eyes up once he knew what he was looking at. He'd rather die than be accused of staring at a stranger's ass.

The person was wearing a sort of loose shirt, but with that clothing, he could still make out the short person's curves. This is what made Yuri lean more towards the possibility that it was a woman. It was sort of hard to tell with this kind of stranger, but everything really didnt scream 'masculinity' to him. Their shoulders weren't as broad as Yuri would think a man would have them.

One can only imagine the surprise and embarrassment Yuri had gone through as the stranger gave their name to the cashier for their order.

Their voice wasn't deep, but it also wasn't a woman's. This new found information made Yuri question what kind of person this guy was. After the apparent '(Y/n)' went to a seat to wait for his order, Yuri quickly ordered his drink and went to an open seat near '(Y/n)' to wait.

While waiting, Yuri couldn't stop staring at the (h/c) haired guy. It's not that he didn't want to, but he found it frustrating how every time he chose to divert his attention, his eyes would wander back to '(Y/n)' in a matter of seconds.

Soon, Yuri noticed that '(Y/n)' got up as his name was called and got ready for his to get called. As the man Yuri had been staring at most of the time went to the counter, Yuri's eyes still hadn't left him.

When '(Y/n)' got his order, he turned and made his way back. Yuri hadn't really thought much of it until he made obvious eye contact with him.

Almost immediately, Yuri glanced away, not wanting to be thought of as a weird person who stares. Yuri was most shocked when '(Y/n)' cleared his throat right in front of him.

Yuri wished he had his ear buds, but his phone was probably dead by now, despite not using it.

With a harsh look, Yuri turned to face the short guy standing in front of him.

"What do you want?" Yuri asked, hoping he could drive away the guy. Having a good look of his face more closely, Yuri noticed how even his face had a sort of soft look to it, and the eyes were on the round side.

"Can I sit here?" He asked, a smile adorning his face, which almost made Yuri break out into a nervous sweat. It was a pure smile, one that a child would wear when having the best time of their life.

"What... ever." Yuri grumbled, looking off over to the person behind the counter, really hoping they would call his name by now.

There were quite a few seats still open, and no one had taken the table '(Y/n)' was sitting at before, so Yuri found it perplexing as to why the apparent stranger took it upon himself to invite himself over to where Yuri was sitting.

"I felt you staring." The man sitting before the blonde answered, making the latter tense up. It seemed the shorter took notice and quickly added, "Well, I mean, it might've just been me being a little paranoid but I'm usually like this so I can't help confronting people if they stare because I'm just curious. It's weird but I always feel like people are staring at me so it might be that but-"

The (h/c) haired male became silent as Yuri shot him a small glare.

"You like talking, huh?" He questioned, noticing '(Y/n)' face slightly turn into a different shade.

"Well I wouldn't call it enjoying talking, more like randomly going to people to talk and not really having a plan and trying to just fill up all the quietness with unimportant stuff." '(Y/n)' explained, sipping his drink right after he finished talking as he apparently ran out of things to say.

"You don't say." Yuri said before his name was finally called out to collect his order. He stood up with his hands in the pockets of his jacket, not looking directly at the still sitting strange man.

"(Y/n), right? I think I'll be here around the same time tomorrow. You know, in case you need to let out all your talking on someone." Yuri said before walking quickly to get his drink and out the door.

Outside, Yuri quietly sipped his drink, replaying in his mind what he told (M/n). He gripped the cup a little harshly, not believing he even said that out loud to that kind of person.

He just really hoped the other would show up tomorrow because he didn't want to seem stupid going there for nothing, and possibly because he wanted to actually try and converse with (M/n).

Of course, he wouldn't admit it to anyone.


Yo I have a lot of other requests ready to be published so when it's their turn, I'll probably let them out every other day.

Also, what's your favorite candle scent?

Mine's vocabulary.

Hope you all enjoyed this!

Next up: Fyodor x Male Reader

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