Erwin Smith- Nice

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<Anime: Attack on Titan>

Requested by: ArcSepticeye
So I decided to write in a slightly different writing style bc it kind of felt more natural and comfortable with this. I might write more one-shots with this style if it feels comfortable enough. Also this came out a bit angsty but it's not really that sad. I haven't written this much in who knows how long so enjoy!

Warning: not directly stated, but hints a bit to slight depression and minor suicidal thoughts. Please don't advance if you don't feel comfortable enough about these topics.


It wasn't nice living in a world with titans. It wasn't nice being in love with someone who probably didn't even know you existed. It wasn't nice loving someone who was your commander, while you were just some soldier.

It was nice when he talked to you for the first time. It was nice when he pat your shoulder after a brief conversation. It was nice when you were able to catch small glimpses of a certain blonde throughout the days.

It was not nice when you came to a realization of your feelings and it was especially not nice when he rejected your feelings for the reasons that you feared.

Being a soldier was one reason.

You were a guy, so that was another.

You were a bit too young for his liking as well.

And lastly, you just weren't alarmingly appealing in any form. You weren't the best fighter, nor were you the most attractive. You weren't straight out hideous though.

You were average in just about anything, and apparently, he wanted someone with more. He wanted someone who could impress him, and someone whom he could never get bored of. You were just average.

You wanted to work harder to gain his affection one last time before completely giving up on him. You trained after hours while everyone was sleeping. You changed your style a bit to one you thought was more comfortable and attractive. You changed a lot about yourself, and you were far more content than you were before.

More people gradually talked to you, and you were getting stronger by the day due to the extra training. It wasn't too long until you were popular with some of the ladies.

You didn't like them, however. You still had your heart set on the commander. One day, you were confident enough to confess one last time. You were nervous about it since you had thought that he would think of you as the same as before.

You had conveniently run into him on the way to the mess hall, going to talk to your friends for a bit before having a search for the commander. It was just your luck.

"Commander Erwin." You said, saluting to him.

"Cadet." He mumbled quickly as if he wanted to get away soon. But he couldn't possibly remember you, right? Even if you were practically a man, and possibly the only one who confessed to him, he brushed you off as if he didn't even want the chance to get to know you. To him, you were irrelevant.

"Sir, may I please have a moment." You asked. He hesitantly stopped in his tracks and faced you.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Do you remember me?" You questioned. He eyed you up and down, searching for a hint of a memory.

"Hm... yes. You stated your feelings for me some time ago." He answered, his facial expression not changing.

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