Kuroko- Not Ignoring You

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<Anime: Kuroko no Basuke>

Requested by llJunholl
Warning: Kuroko may be a bit ooc bc when people are in love, they act differently okay?

~1st person p.o.v.~

"Hey Momoi. I have nothing to do today so let's hang out. Kuroko's being mean." I spoke into my phone while the rest of the members in the basketball club practiced before me.

"What do you mean you have nothing to do? You have to help out here (Y/n)!" Riko yelled. I sighed as Momoi spoke up.

"It sounds like you're busy. Anyway, what has Tetsuya done to make you feel unloved?" She asked.

"He's been ignoring me so I guess I should do the same to show how hurt I am."

"(Y/n)! Get off that phone and help the others!" Riko lectured. I groaned as I told Momoi that I had to go.

"Well he might not be purposefully ignoring you so stay positive?" She said, making it sound more like a question.

"Sure. Bye." I hung up afterwards.

I looked at all the players that were lined up, waiting for my advice towards them. Riko had already given them sort of training menu's made specifically for each person to help them with things like speed and stamina.

"If we go up against Tōō Academy then obviously their manager's gonna be able to read your moves." I started off.

"Yeah we know that but can't you do it too?" One player asked.

"I learned a lot from their manager growing up so I'm not as good as her, but I can tell you one thing." I said. They all leaned in closer, waiting for my continuation.

"... stop being too easy to read."

Kagami audibly groaned, holding his head.

"But how do we do that?" He asked.

I shrugged, not really focusing on them, Kuroko's earlier behavior still on my mind.

"Well I've noticed that you guys have a certain pattern you do whenever up against other certain players, so try to change it up here and there, but don't change your styles and techniques too much because then it'll seem too obvious. Use your own creativity for that." I answered.

"Well there you had it. You heard the man, go work on changing it up! Don't forget to follow your training!" Riko shouted to them all as the players ran off to practice some more.

Kagami walked up to me instead.

"Where's Kuroko? I'll need him to practice." He asked. I crossed my arms, and puffed my cheeks out.

"Why would I know. That jerk's been avoiding me." I grumbled.

"Are you and Kuroko dating?" Koganei decided to butt in.

"NO. WHAT MAKES YOU ASK THAT? GO BACK TO PRACTICE!" I yelled at him. I have a reputation to keep.

"Aww! You two aren't dating but you obviously want to!" Riko said with a smirk.

"Shut up."

"So you don't know where he's at?" Kagami asked once more.

"No I don't. Just practice solo for today. It wouldn't hurt to just do it once." I tried to shoo the tall basketball player away.

"Alright." He said before jogging back to the rest.

"Your face was so red right now! Was it because of the thought of you and Kuroko dating?" Riko continued to press.

"Fine! Yes I like him! I'm only telling you because you're a good friend of mine so don't tell anyone else or I swear I'll make you pay!" I threatened her.

Suddenly her eyes widened.

"Kuroko never gave me a reason as to why he couldn't make it to practice today! Do you think he ditched?" Riko asked. I looked up in thought before I shook my head.

"Kuroko's not like that."

"Um, I'm right here." A voice from behind spoke which caused Riko and I to be startled.

"K-Kuroko! When did you get there!" I questioned, still a bit shaken from his sudden appearance.

"I was here the whole time." He simply stated with no change in his expression.

Then... that means...

"So did you hear everything (Y/n) said about you?" Riko asked, stars practically shining in her eyes.


"KUROKO WHAT THE HELL? WHY DIDN'T YOU SPEAK UP WHEN KAGAMI ASKED FOR YOU???" I asked, feeling my own face explode with embarrassment.

"I was enjoying your conversation." He replied.

"I didn't me-" I was suddenly cut off by Kuroko hugging me.

"I like you too (Y/n). I'm sorry if I made it seem like I was ignoring you. I was just scared that you didn't see me that way so I wanted to give up on you and I thought the only way to do that was by distancing myself from you." He explained. I broke free from the hug as I noticed everyone began to stare.

"I SWEAR- GO BACK TO PRACTICE." I shouted. They all visibly tensed up at my voice and immediately began practicing once more.

"And Kuroko." I turned to face him. "Please don't say anything as cliche as before." I said to him.

"Okay, but does this mean we're dating?" He asked. I gave him a small shrug and a smile.

"I don't think it'll hurt to try so yeah."

"Now I know how Kuroko feels." Riko said while giving a poker face to Kuroko and I.


Sucky, short update. Sorry.
I'm almost to 500 followers so I'm making a Q&A to celebrate it, if you didn't know already :D Please leave me any questions you have for me in the comments and I'll be sure to answer them!

Oh and I decided to make a part two for the Laxus oneshot bc peeps wanted it, but I'm gonna work on it after I've finished the requests that came before that one.

Next up is: Lancer (Fate/Zero) x Uke! Male Reader

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