Aomine Daiki- What?

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<Anime: Kuroko no Basuke°

Requested by RianCranford
Didn't come out like how you wanted but hopefully it's good enough???


It was Aomine's first day at college after two weeks of not attending. He'd never shown up to his classes before, but he didn't think that mattered. He probably wasn't going to show up that day either if it weren't for Momoi constantly telling him that he had to go.

Right now Aomine was just outside the door to the lecture hall he was told he was in. Surprisingly, he was a bit early.

With an already tired sigh, Aomine opened the door and walked in. He was shocked to see most of the class already in their seats, a few standing up and chatting with others. It made sense since most there was only about five minutes left until class officially started.

To Aomine's luck, there was an one last empty seat in the back. He wanted a seat in the back because he felt like he could take naps much more comfortably.

Right when Aomine was about to take a step to the seat, one of the students standing up before sat down on it, taking out their laptop. Aomine became furious because he was already so intent with that seat. He marched up to the stranger with the most intimidating face he could muster.

"Hey, you. I was planning on sitting here." Aomine said. The young man didn't look up as he turned on his laptop.

"Oh really? That's great." He mumbled as he began typing out what seemed to be an essay.

Aomine bared his teeth like a ravenous dog, raising his voice slightly.

"Yeah. So you can move now because I don't feel like standing."

The (h/c) haired adult glanced at Aomine briefly before gluing his eyes back to the screen. "Or you can go find a seat yourself if standing bothers you that much. I was here first. There's plenty of other seats. You'd better hurry if you don't want the professor to kick you out." He replied.

Aomine would have sat down somewhere else if this guy didn't act so smart. Aomine opened his mouth to argue back with the hard-for-him-to-handle man, but he was cut off with a gruff voice.

"Excuse me, but if you're going to fight in my class you can go take it outside." Aomine turned to see an elderly man bearing a scowl.

"He started it!" Aomine complained. the stranger rolled his eyes as he shut his laptop.

"Why are you acting like a kid when you're in college? We have better things to do. Why don't you just accept it and go sit somewhere else." the (h/c) haired man spoke. Aomine swore that he felt his eye twitch. How dare the little pipsqueak talk him down like that?

"Okay, you asked for it-"

"You two go sit in the front! If you two act like that for a seat I'll need to keep my eye on you." the professor said. The guy who Aomine had picked a fight with hastily stood and moved to a seat up front. Aomine leisurely made his way to the second row, a seat behind the (s/t) guy.


Time went on and surprisingly, the two got along. Their friendship leaned more on the enemy side than on the actual friend side. Aomine discovered that the guy's name was (Y/n). They both sat at the back in the end, always saving a seat for the other, but with constant fights. Aomine skipped school every now and then, but he learned from (Y/n) himself that the (h/c) haired young man hadn't skipped a day of college in his life. He did say that he slept a few times in the class, but it was better than not attending classes that he paid for. Something about it being a waste of money.

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