Chapter Nine.

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Trixie crouched quietly behind a statue of a tribe, praying she couldn't be seen. Not far off she could see the children and teachers, along with everyone else from the museum being shooed into a big hall, of which she thought was the place where they kept the vases from ancient times. It had started out as a harmless school trip to into a full blown robbery in a matter of minutes. It was lucky Trixie had drifted off from the group, besides her mum had taught her to understand when something was wrong. She'd ducked into the tribe display before being seen by any of the armed men, probably about twelve of them, some splitting to head on the other floors, probably to steal the artifacts on the other levels. Trixie could feel her heart pounding in her chest, but she knew what to do. She'd pickpocketed the teachers phone from her pocket before she drifted, using it to take photos and sending it to Trixie's email. She lifted the phone from her pocket, Chloe had made her learn her number off by heart just in case of emergencies and Trixie dialled fast. Getting an immediate answer.

"Decker." Hearing her mothers voice was soothing. Trixie peered around for the bad guys and whispered back.


"Trixie baby? Why are you calling on this number? What's going on?" Chloe rushed, understanding something was wrong as well as the fact Trixie was whispering.

"I wandered from the group, then these men, there was twelve they moved everyone in the museum into a room. I'm hid behind a tribe display, what do I do? I'm scared mummy." Trixie whimpered, hearing footsteps she ducked behind a woven basket, knowing it could shield her better than a statue could.

"I'm coming baby, hang on, it'll be ok, just-just stay there monkey, stay hidden. I'm coming I promise." Chloe told her but her voice was wobbling. By now Chloe had alerted the police telling them it was a hostage situation, but she'd grabbed Lucifer's hand pulling him with her. She couldn't get Trixie without him. Lucifer didn't decline as soon as he heard, he shoved Chloe into the passenger seat and climbed into the drivers seat and racing towards the museum. "You still there, baby?"

"Yeah, I have to be quiet there coming." Trixie mumbled into the phone, Chloe could hear footsteps but they drifted off, making her let out a sigh of relief.

"Ok monkey, me and Lucifer are on our way, but these bad men they won't hand everyone over when the police come so don't move. Do you know floor you're on?" Chloe asked, holding on as Lucifer took a tight corner, swerving every car to drive faster. She knew he was a worried for Trixie's safety as she was.

"I-I don't know, I'll look." Trixie replied, her voice quivering.

"No! No! Trixie stay there! Do you understand?" Chloe yelled into the phone, but Trixie glanced around the corner as far as she could go without getting caught, catching a glimpse of the sign. Chloe was almost hyperventilating not hearing from her daughter when she yelled into the phone. "Trix--"

"I'm on the second floor, left wing." Trixie hissed ducking back into her hiding place. Lucifer had just skidded to a stop outside, making Trixie wince at the noise. "What was that?"

"We're here, now listen to me, I'm going to have to go now but hide the phone, ok? I'm going to get in and we're coming to find you and we'll get you out. Then we'll try to help the hostages but we're getting you first, just stay quiet until we come, see you soon monkey." Chloe whispered, not wanting to talk loud now they'd clambered out the car and were stood before the large, decaying building. Trixie mumbled a sad goodbye and the call ended, Chloe looked at Lucifer, who was already studying the building. Heading in left, making Chloe speed walk after him. "What are you doing?"

"The main door's are boobie trapped from the outside, we have to find another way in and seem as we need to go left, we'll find a way over here...ah see, vent just up there, should lead into the building." Lucifer pointed out looking up at the vent. Chloe would of thought it was crazy but she knew Lucifer and usually his crazy ideas were right. She'd noticed his abdomen was doing much better today, little did she know it healed itself as soon as he was a far enough distance away from her.

"Ok, good idea, how do we get up there?" Chloe asked, Lucifer smirked at her and jammed his foot so it was on a sturdy piece of brick that just hung on. He raised his arms carefully, not wanting to fall off the wall and yanked at the vent, shaking it violently but he was careful not to make so much noise that the robbers would hear them. Chloe kept watch, until she heard the clang of the vent coming off, she took hold of the vent cover and dropped it on the floor. Lucifer had climbed into the vent, holding his hand down to her, she stepped on the brick and clasped hold of his hand as he pulled her up happy she was only light. "Thanks."

"Well I can't save her alone seem as you won't give me a gun, now, come on we need to get to Trixie, it won't be long until they scan the museum for any stragglers."

Chloe gulped, feeling the fear but nodded, Lucifer turned and began to crawl towards what he was guessing was the other side of the vent, Chloe following behind. He reached the end stopping so Chloe almost collided with his backside, but she was quick and pulled back sighing in relief. Lucifer looked at her then to the vent opening.

"Wait Lucifer, Trixie said there was twelve men, there's only two of us." Chloe hissed.

"They'll be focused on the cops soon enough, they're near the front of the building, then there would be a handful watching the hostages seem as there are probably hundreds of them and only a couple will be searching each floor. Meaning only a couple to take out." Lucifer whispered, making Chloe raise her eyebrows at his detective skills.

Lucifer elbowed the vent catching it before it dropped to the floor with a crash. Chloe had to grab his ankles to keep him from falling, he smiled at her awkwardly, placing the vent cover down carefully and climbing down, it seemed they were in some sort of storage cupboard. He gave Chloe his hand, helping her down but seem as she was smaller than him, if she jumped down it would be a louder impact on the floor; alerting their not so friendly friends. He lifted her down instead, Chloe going pink but she was focused on the mission. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, come on, let's find Trixie." Chloe whispered, loving his concern for her but as soon as she reached for the handle Lucifer caught her wrist.

"You can't just walk out there, your supposed to be the detective, do I need to remind you we have thieves who would do anything for their jewelry, potentially stood outside this door, we won't be helping Trixie if you bump into them." Lucifer warned, moving his hand down from her wrist to her hand. "I'll lead the way."

"Lucif--" But he put his finger on her lips and shushed her. Before reaching for the handle and twisting it quietly, peering through the crack in the door. Knowing he couldn't be reckless not with Chloe here, he wasn't immortal and he was terrified if he just left her she'd wander and get herself killed. It was clear, he opened it more and check left and right, tugging Chloe out of the storage room and aiming to hide behind an artifact. Getting there safely he stepped out, looking around and seeing a sign. He returned to Chloe and frowned.

"We're on the bloody first floor, we've got to get upstairs and my bets are the armed men are waiting." Lucifer sighed. Looking around the place they were hidden, hearing footsteps and pushing Chloe up against the wall, she was to shocked for words but she heard the footsteps too and realised if he hadn't of did it she'd have been spotted instantly. He let her go and she cleared her throat.

"Uh, thanks, how do we get to the second floor? Back in the vent?" Chloe asked but Lucifer shook his head, peering around and from there he could see the stairs, two ways up but both guarded. He tried his best to think, the only thing coming into his head was to make a distraction, but to do that he'd have to leave Chloe.

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