Chapter Two.

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Chloe didn't get it. She couldn't understand him, Lucifer had claimed he hated children, but seeing him with Trixie - it was as though he was a different person - even if he still flinched when she wrapped her arms around his middle after running at him, squealing his name in excitement. Lucifer's arms raised every time as though he was afraid of the contact, occasionally patting her head and looking at Chloe for assistance. But Chloe would simply fold her arms and watch the scene before her. Trixie seemed more excited to see Lucifer than anyone, the young girl more thrilled to see Lucifer than her own father.

In theur current moment, after watching the tiny brunette yet again race in and meet Lucifer with a hug, Chloe expected the same reaction as always. But this time was different, his face softened looking down at Trixie as she smiled happily up at him. Then the british man did something that she never thought she'd see in her lifetime, Lucifer hugged her daughter back with same amount of enthusiasm. Trixie seemed a little taken aback too but was happy to finally get some affection from Lucifer, thrilled she'd finally won the devil over.

"Good morning, small human." Lucifer acknowledged, his voice softer than usual. Chloe had gotten used to the sarcasm from Lucifer, it was basically expected now but this wasn't sarcasm on Lucifer's face. The blondes curiosity picked up, it was no surprise that Lucifer was a mystery to her but it seemed he cared for Trixie, the man not thinking she was some hideous, tax burden anymore. And she thought it was adorable. "Looking for chocolate cake or is cash this time?"

"Neither...unless you have some." Trixie grinned mischievously before falling into a fit of bubbly giggles.

"Trixie! " Chloe scolded, warning Lucifer with her glare not to give in.

Lucifer appeared to be entertained by Trixie's misbehaviour causing the blonde to roll her eyes. Chloe knew Lucifer was probably a bad influence on Trixie, seem as he told her once, 'if you want something, take it.' Dan wasn't all happy about it but Chloe couldn't help but crack a smile. Beatrice shrugged, surprised her mother hadn't dismissed her from the room yet.

Lucifer let Trixie out of the embrace, his eyes finding his weakness, a smirk playing on his lips as he looked at Chloe. The small blonde rolled her eyes playfully,  the action quickly becoming a habit. She swore before she'd met Lucifer she'd only roll her eyes once on a blue moon and now she'd felt as though she'd do it every day.

"No cases, Detective? No brutal murders? Mysterious poisoning?" Lucifer questioned, straightening out his suit, Trixie didn't seem bothered by his words. She was eight, not an idiot. The child knew her mothers job was to solve those kind of things, even if they're gruesome. But despite Trixie not caring Chloe frowned at Lucifer, she hated talking about her work around Trixie, always worrying it cause her nightmares.

"No Lucifer, not yet anyway." Chloe answered, heading towards him taking hold of Trixie's shoulders and leading Trixie into her new bedroom, Chloe had ensured that her room was beside her daughters.

There was no way she'd let Mazikeen's bedroom be besides her daughters, even though Maze liked Trixie. Maze was known to bring in visitors when she wanted company at night. There was no need for her daughter to hear that. Trixie groaned, she hated it when her mom told her to go to her room, she didn't understand - it was as though her mom hated her being around Lucifer because every time he was there she'd be steered to her bedroom.

Lucifer had settled himself onto the stool in the kitchen, waiting for his partner to emerge from Trixie's room. At first he'd hated the fact that Chloe and Maze had chosen to live with one another, even if it did provide extra protection for Chloe and Trixie. Lucifer was wary of the idea, two of the important woman in his life living under the same roof. It was as if they had some secret plan to take him down. Although he knew he was probably just being paranoid. Chloe finally reappeared, letting out a heavy sigh, seeing Lucifer still here. She was annoyed by his presence yet she didn't want him to leave, she enjoyed the company.

"Where's Maze? Shouldn't she be helping unpack?" Lucifer chirped up, surprising Chloe with an actual question and not some seductive words that usually spilt out of his mouth.

"She said she had to be somewhere, I'm almost done anyway." Chloe shrugged, heading to a pile of boxes on the counter, labelled Kitchen, Living room, My Room. She sliced open the top of the box, not realising Lucifer had moved and appeared at her side as he magically did without her noticing.

"I can help." He offered, she startled when she felt him inch a little closer to her. Chloe cursed herself, she should be used to their close proximity by now. But every time he stood beside her, he was so close she was afraid if she spun around too fast she'd elbow his gut. The detective raised her eyebrows at his words, there was something about Lucifer today that was different.

"What are you planning, Lucifer?" She challenged, her eyebrows creased in uncertainty as she lifted things from her box, not protesting when Lucifer opened the living room box.

"Nothing, Detective. It'll be easier and quicker if I help, besides if I leave now and the LAPD calls with a homicide then I'd just have to come all the way back here, too much effort if you ask me," Lucifer explained, flashing her a small grin.

Chloe forced down any further questions seem as she knew he had a point, so she let him be. They unpacked in silence which for Lucifer was strange, he was a wild, talkative and lively character and for him to be quiet, it wasn't normal. Lucifer had been acting off for a few days now, he first showed up, eyes puffy and a few cuts over his face but once Chloe brought it up he'd dismissed it, telling her it was nothing, just a scrap in LUX.

Lucifer must've thought she was daft, because she knew something was wrong as she watched him wander around the crime scene almost as though he was a lifeless zombie. Then when she'd thought he'd gone back to his usual self, commenting stupid, witty irrelevant things, making a few inappropriate joke or two but she could tell his smile was false most of the time but she didn't say anything. Chloe just couldn't stand the fact that he seemed to be suffering in silence. She'd asked Mazikeen but she said it was none of Chloe's business, which she might be right - but Chloe still cared for Lucifer and seeing him like this, well she hated it.

There had been countless moments where she'd tried to cheer him up but he only smiled, or let out a small meaningless laugh. That's why, minutes ago with Trixie, she was surprised. He'd been caring. Lucifer was rarely caring unless it came to danger towards anyone he loved, but his little comment with Trixie and the smile, it was as though everything was as it was a couple of weeks ago, she'd hate to admit it but she'd missed it...she'd missed him.

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