Chapter Sixteen.

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Trixie bounced off her mothers lap hearing the doorbell, Trixie looked excitedly at her mother. Although Chloe was sure she hadn't invited anyone around, maybe Maze did. She glanced at Mazes bedroom door, waiting for her to come out and open the door but it remained silent. Another knock hammered on the door, though this time it wasn't so loud. Trixie was still grinning at her mother.

"Is it Lucifer?"

"He does usually come uninvited...but Lucifer would just walk in, no, stay here monkey, I'll go check" Chloe answered, kissing Trixie's head and heading towards the door. She peered through the peep hole and saw a very much zoomed in face of Lucifers mum, Chloe immediately letting out a sigh. Lucifer warned her not to knock on Charlotte's door, now, ironically she's knocking on hers. Chloe unlocked the door and faked a smile. "Charlotte"

"Ah, yes Chloe, I was hoping I'd got the house right" 'Charlotte' said, stepping in, practically barging Chloe out the way. If she wasn't the goddess of all creation then Chloe would have cuffed her and threw her straight back out, but Charlotte didn't know Chloe knew, so she played the part.

"Well your at the right place" Chloe replied, closing the door. She could see Trixie sat happily watching the tv, Chloe was glad she didn't come walking over to her. But she was still protective, this woman could probably wield powers and destroy the world if need be. So Chloe walked around Charlotte and whispered in Trixie's ear to tell her to go into Mazes room. Even though Chloe practically banned Trixie from going in there. Trixie understood, she knew if Chloe needed help Maze would be quick to help, especially against Lucifer's mum. Chloe forced a smile back on her face as she faced Charlotte. "What can I do for you?"

"Nothing really, I was just wondering what you relationship is with my...with Lucifer? He seemed pleasantly happy to see you, making me wonder whether you two are...what's that word you beings call! There yes, dating"

Chloe was quick to react to that, "No! No! Lucifer and I...we're just friends...colleagues, he went missing for a couple of days so I got a little worried and wanted to check on him" Chloe shrugged, turning away to face her kitchen and reaching for the kettle. "Tea?"

"Tea, I haven't had that in a while, yes thank you" Charlotte answered but she seemed to have crept a little closer to Chloe. "How much do you know about Lucifer? About his past?"

"Look, I'm a Detective not an idiot. What's with all the questions?" Chloe sighed, placing the two mugs down a little to roughly making them clang against the counter. Startling her a little. Charlotte seemed a little thrown off by her words and cleared her throat.

"I'm just curious, Lucifer doesn't have many friends"

"I've noticed" Chloe murmured, finishing off the teas, turning to hand her one. Charlotte sniffed it and wrinkled her face, in what looked like disgust.

"Isn't this flavoured?" She asked, looking at Chloe as though she'd just committed a crime. Chloe's kitchen was only small, barely fitting three people but she leant against the counter, taking a sip of her tea before answering.

"I don't like flavoured tea"

"But you like this filth, you've no taste, darling" Charlotte judged, tipping hers down the sink, which Chloe thought was quite rude. She placed her own tea down on the side, stepping towards Charlotte.

"It's pretty late I think you should be on your way, especially if you want to tuck your children into bed" Chloe hinted, wanting the woman to leave. "If not then I'd prefer it if you left anyway, I have a daughter of my own that I need to read a story too"

"Are you throwing me out? Because of some disgusting tea? You pathetic humans and your silly hurt feelings. Very well I'll see you again Chloe, maybe we can hang out as you'd say" Charlotte suggested but Chloe shook her head and was now basically pushing Charlotte towards the door. To Charlotte this was like hitting her, she swung around and held Chloe's forearms tightly, squeezing them and baring her teeth like an animal. Chloe froze but there was no fear. "Don't touch me human...I could end you within seconds, understand?"

But as Chloe was about to reply Maze pounced out with a blade, one looking a lot like Azreals blade, the one Lucifer took from the murder case with the crazy stabby people. Chloe knew it was a threat to Charlotte, who by the way was stunned at Maze's appearance, not expecting her to be there but he hands were off Chloe and backing away in seconds, as soon as she spotted the blade.

"And I can end your sorry ass, don't come back here Charlotte...because next time it won't just be a threat, I will sink this into your chest gladly and everyone would be rid of you!" Maze growled, edging closer to Charlotte who had stopped reaching the door. Sneering at Maze.

"Now your protecting humans too Mazikeen, who'd have thought a demon had a heart, yours and Lucifer's vacation has lasted to long" Charlotte sighed, her eyes moving from Maze to Chloe, who had Trixie under her arm. "Until next time Detective Decker"

And as soon as she said those words, she turned and was gone within seconds. Chloe didn't even remember when she opened the door. Maze turned to Chloe and Trixie, stuffing the blade in her back pocket, careful not to cut herself. "I hate that bitch, she should return to her cell in hell, or maybe I should sink this into her chest, life would be much simpler"

"Language!" Chloe scolded, looking down at Trixie who giggled. "But thank you know, coming to help with his psychopathic mother"

"Well your welcome, next time I'll go for the kill" Maze commented, then turning on her heel and disappearing into her room, closing the door behind her. Trixie let out a breath.

"That was Lucifer's mummy?" She asked in disbelief.

"I guess, but his families more complicated than you think" Chloe muttered, crouching down to Trixie's height. "Now come on monkey, get changed and I'll read you Coraline again"

"Yes!" Trixie squealed, fist punching the air and running off to her room, Chloe following behind her after locking all the doors so Charlotte couldn't reappear and sneak in like Lucifer does.

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