Chapter Eleven.

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Chloe crawled out the vent first, so that she could catch Trixie when she jumped out. She came out two seconds after Chloe who did as she said catching her but getting ready to climb back in. But she was tugged back, falling into someone's arm. Trixie in the guys other arm.

"What the hell are you doing? I thought you were dead!" Dan scolded, kissing Trixie but let Chloe go, knowing she'd be pissed. "You're not going back in there, Chloe."

"My partner is in there Dan! We're only out here because of Lucifer! I'm not leaving him in there, he'd come back for me so I'm going back for him!" Chloe yelled, even though there was a crowd of police around. Ella amongst them, Chloe wasn't sure why she was there seem as there were no bodies to examine, not yet anyway. Chloe wiped a tear away and returned to climbing back up but again but Dan pulled her down.

"I don't care Chloe, going back in there is suicide! You have a daughter for godsake! You'll get killed, Lucifer will get out, he's a crazy son of a bitch but he's tough." Dan sighed, placing a hand on Chloe's shoulder. But tears brimmed in her eyes.

"He was shot Dan, he's up against ten men up in there, he doesn't even have a weapon, I can't lose him again," Chloe sobbed, "If he doesn't get killed in there, he'll bleed to death and it doesn't look like anyone else is going in there to help, so I'm going."

Chloe turned and this time Dan let her be, watching her disappear into the darkness. She was quick and out of the vent fast. She could hear continuous gunshots, pulling out her own gun and ready to aim it. She snuck up, sneaking around a corner seeing a man and aiming for his leg and shooting, he fell to the floor in pain, clutching his leg.

"I thought he didn't have a gun!" The man screamed as he clung to his leg.

"He doesn't! There must be another!" Another yelled back and Chloe was sure she heard a few footsteps as one approached, her gun was prepared to shoot but she saw a sweaty, pale and weak Lucifer stumble over, practically collapsing.

"Y-you're supposed to be gone, that's why I'm not healing, Chloe...go." Lucifer stumbled on his words struggling to talk, she checked his arm, he was bleeding out faster than she thought. Shots went off but this time from her side of the room, she hid Lucifer with her body, but he just fell to the floor wincing and letting out a groan.

"I'm not leaving you, you'll die if I do, I'm leaving here with you, now come on." Chloe hissed, lifting Lucifer's arm around her shoulder, doing her best to haul him up, he did his best to try and help her but it was no use, the amount of blood that had left his body would have a normal human dead by now. He cringed, there was one thing he could do, knowing they were trapped and he could sense the men closing in on him and Chloe, both of them defenseless.

"I'll get rid of them...but Chloe...I'm sorry." Lucifer mumbled, sweating even worse, but Chloe frowned at him, not understanding.

"For what?" Chloe asked, startling as guns were pointed at them. Lucifer began to shake viciously as though he was having a seizure. Chloe flipped in panic mode, trying to pressure his wound but when she lifted her hand from it, the bleeding had stopped, it felt as though it wasn't even there. The men around her looked confused too but there was no shooting, until one of the men from earlier yanked Chloe's hair, pulling her up away from Lucifer, she let out a cry of pain and felt the barrel get pressed to her neck, ready to shoot but Lucifer was up instantly, grabbing Chloe just as the trigger was pulled but Lucifer was faster than a bullet and slid Chloe onto the floor behind him. But to Chloe this didn't look like Lucifer, he like skin, hollow eyes. Fiery red flickering like flames in his eyes. A dark look upon them. Lucifer had stunned all the burglars, all of them looking at him in complete fear begging for their lives. As Lucifer stepped closer they all stepped back in sync one or two going into a weird state of fear and the man who held the gun to Chloe's neck stumbling into things. Lucifer headed straight for him seem as he was the one who shot him and went for Chloe.

He raised his arm, his hand clutching around the mans neck, one squeeze and he'd be dead. Lucifer snarled at him, feeling the devils hatred rising inside, begging for him to squeeze and let the man perish but that wasn't punishment. He was already struggling to breath Lucifer had slammed him to a wall. His teeth gritted but a sweet, soft voice, one of someone he cared the most for, talking.

"L-Lucifer, if that's, if this is you, stop, you know this isn't the right punishment, you know what it feels like to kill someone, you were broken, you don't want to be like that again, please let him go," She pleaded, she seemed to be right behind him, but he knew she'd kept her distance. "I'm not afraid, just like that time in the car when you asked me if I was scared of you, I'm not. Because I know you,'re not a monster."

He dropped the man hearing her words, just in time for the police to show up his face morphed back into his human form. He looked at Chloe with shame, but when she stepped forward he edged back, making hurt strike through her eyes, she'd just accepted him for what he was but it was him backing away. "I-I apologize Detective, I didn't want you to see that...ever."

"Lucifer..." Chloe began, reaching for his hand but he turned towards the stairs, knowing they'd finally broke the trap and it was open. "Lucifer it's ok!"

But it was no use by the time she'd reached the door, he was walking off down the street. Chloe stared after him, wanting to chase him but it was no use. Dan joined by her side, Trixie too, watching Lucifer.

"Where is he going?" Trixie asked. "I wanted to say thank you for saving me."

"I think he knows monkey, I...I'll give him some space, I think that's what he wants, the past week has been a lot to handle, especially for someone like Lucifer." Chloe told Trixie, kneeling down to her height and kissing her temple. "I'm so glad your safe baby, you're so smart for remembering my number and for staying quiet, I'm so proud of you."

"I'm proud of you too mummy." Trixie beamed, hugging her mother tight. "Lucifer too."

"I'm proud of Lucifer as well, he saved me again, I think I'm going to have to start a chart at how many times that guy saves my life." Chloe giggled lightly, looking in the direction Lucifer had headed in. She saw him from not far off, soon vanishing around a corner.

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