Chapter 3 - The First Sight

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Zayn's POV

My phone bell rang and I saw the name on the screen. Uncle Ethan. I picked up the call.

"It's gonna be 6 and you have to meet her. Leave your work. I am sending you the address of the house." He completed.
"House? Will our first meeting be there? That's kinda boring." I sighed.

I switched off my laptop and exited my cabin. I headed towards the exit of my office building. As usual, all the employees and staff stood up as I was passing by. I exited the building and sped off in my black Lamborghini.
It took me 15 minutes to reach the address. As I rang the door bell, the door opened in a few seconds.

There stood a lady in the doorway. May be her mother. I introduced myself and stepped in. As I expected, the lady introduced herself as her mom. After a few moments, her dad arrived to meet me and we had a casual conversation.

I tried to be nice in front of them. But it would be surely better to have a meeting with my staff than this one.

Her mother went to call "my future wife" with whom I would be there all the life as her husband. As her king. Huh.

As we were busy chatting, my phone bell rang. And there was Albert who called me at the wrong time.
I excused her father and picked up the call.

"Bro, it's an emergency. You need to be here." He said in a hurry. Before I could question him, he disconnected the call. I excused her parents telling them about the emergency to go.

I reached my office and there I came to know that the meeting, which I handed over to Albert, was not successful. They cancelled the deal coz they wanted me to deal with them personally but I was busy in my own personal life.

The deal was very important, there was a profit of millions to my company and I missed it because of that girl. Damn!

What the fuck! She is not even my wife yet and she is succeeded in cancelling the million dollars deal.
Ms Grace Rochester. I hope you have that grace to win my heart. Coz it's impossible to win a heartless man's heart. Isn't it?

Grace's POV

Isn't it unfair? That your future husband comes to meet you but then because of some important work, he goes back without even having a look at you or you not given a chance to gaze at him and his gorgeous face? Damn!

I wanted to meet Zayn and spend some time with him to know him better. But my damn luck! My parents were satisfied after meeting him. In their opinion, he is a good-looking man with a polite nature, is punctual and hard-working. May be he would be a good husband too. But what if he has to spend more than half a day in his office?

It is evening now and I am so bored. I don't know what to do. Well. Truly. I miss Drake. His sweet talks and childish acts. Ahh. Miss them all. I wanna meet him before marriage. May be I won't get a chance after being married.

I was thinking about him and suddenly received a call. It was luckily Drake's. I picked it up.

"Hey Drake. How are you?"
"I am good! I want to meet you right now at the cafe. Can you come?" He asked.
"Okay, reaching in five minutes."

I wore a simple yet elegant pink dress and let my hair fall down straightened.

As I reached the cafe, I headed towards Drake who was looking handsome as always

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As I reached the cafe, I headed towards Drake who was looking handsome as always.

We both sat on the chairs and there he started.

"Grace, I wanna talk to you something very important."
"Yeah. Continue. I am listening." I replied.
"Umm. I-I love you. Will you marry me?" He asked with a serious look on his face.

Woah! Mr Drake is proposing me! And that to in such a boring style. And at the wrong time.

I wanted to bump his head with a strong punch. Can't he propose me earlier? If he would, I would never reject his damn proposal! Gawd! Now it's time to tell him about my arranged marriage.

"Drake. You are late. My parents have arranged my marriage already and I can't refuse them. I am very sorry about it but I can't do anything now. You should have proposed me earlier, dammit." I declared with a heavy heart.

His face expressions changed into dismay and disappointed ones. He continued, "But I will talk to your parents and try to convince them."

"It's just after five days. We are even completed with most of the arrangements and shopping too. Sorry Drake. It's not in my hands." I said with a tear at the corner of my eye but didn't let it fall down.
"Don't be disappointed, Drake. You will get a better girl than me. I assure you that." I continued.

"Whom are you gonna marry?" He asked in a serious tone.
"If you know him. Mr Zayn Malik. The billionaire." I answered his question.

"Mr Zayn Malik? That arrogant jerk? Are you freaking kidding me? My friend has worked as an employee there and damn believe me! He has so much attitude. He just fired him for such a small mistake. He is an arrogant brat! I don't get how your parents agreed to the proposal. "

"I have trusted my parents on this."
"So, are you sure about your decision?" He asked looking directly into my eyes.
"I have to marry him." I replied looking down at the table.

Zayn's POV

I headed towards the cafe as I had to finalize my deal with the cafe owner. I decided to go and talk to him personally.

I called him and asked about his whereabouts. He informed me that he is in his cafe now.
I drove to the cafe and reached there in 15 minutes.

I headed towards the entrance of the cafe and suddenly I caught sight of a girl. I was awestruck by her beauty.

Wait. I have seen her somewhere. Let me think. Ahh. She is the photo girl, my future wife. Isn't she? Interesting. But. The question is, what is she doing here?

I entered the cafe following her.
She approached a young man and they both took a seat.
I went close to the table and stood near the counter facing my back towards them. I heard their complete conversation. A pervert named Drake was proposing my future wife. I was fuming with anger.

I heard the last words from Grace: "I have to marry him." and turned to face them. The table was just three to four steps away from me. I headed towards the table and hit it with my both hands, making a terrific thud. I stood keeping my hands on the table and they both looked at me with shock and confused expression.
"Excuse me!" Drake spoke up.

Grace's POV

"I have to marry him." I replied looking down at the table.

Suddenly somebody banged on our table with both hands. His sleeves were tucked to his elbows and his muscular arms and veins were naked to me.
I looked up and was shocked by the sight in front of me. It was my future hubby who was standing in front of me fuming in anger. He was wearing black coat pant with sunglasses covering his eyes. He was looking more handsome than in the photo. Oh Gawd! What am I thinking? May be he have heard our conversation. Damn!

"Excuse me?" Drake said looking at Zayn whose gaze never left mine. He stared at me with an evil smirk, radiating anger from his eyes.

"Ms Grace Rochester, soon gonna be Mrs Zayn Malik. Accept his proposal because if you don't and instead, you marry the billionaire, I'm gonna make your life a living hell. Do you understand?"


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Gonna update the next chap very soon.

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