Chapter 13 - The Sugary Truth

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Thanks for all the love. A biggie thank you.

Your comments and votes are meant to bring a winsome smile on my face.

So, don't be a silent reader and vote and comment if you feel you're reading something worth and not wasting any of your worth precious time.

Lots Of Love,



Grace's POV

I settled myself on the desk and started my work on the laptop in his room. I surveyed the file and it was kinda laborious and tough. However, I managed to grasp the dossier and bid to finalize it as soon as possible.

The time was flying and I was done with just half of it. Anyhow, I completed it in almost an hour as he was busy in his work on his laptop. I stood up from my place and walked towards him.

"I am done with it." I spoke up.
"You are a minute late." He said being busy in his work. I glanced at my watch and it was 9:01.
"But, it's just a minute."
"Rules are rules. Make another one in half an hour." He ordered.
"What the fuck! Do I seem mad? I am not gonna do that and in half an hour. Not possible!" I yelled at him.
He stared at me, smirking.

He stood up from his chair and took valiant steps towards me.
"You look too hot in anger." He remarked with a smirk on his face.
"Are you done commenting on me, mister?"
"I can comment on my wife. Can't I?"
"Here. I am an employee, not your wife."
"Not an employee. You are my personal secretary. Or else I would not be giving you a second chance." He stated.
"Get it done." He commanded as I made a face.

"Monster." I murmured.
"You said something. Didn't you?"
"Nothing." I turned around to go back to work. Before I could scram away, he seized my arm.

"Even I don't permit you to pass nasty comments on me." He stated.

"Baby. Here you're my personal secretary. Not my wife. Didn't you say that?" He gave a low chuckle before whispering in my ear with his melodious voice.

"Well. I don't take bullshit from my wife too. You know that pretty well. Don't you?" He stated with his normal tone but with a hint of seriousness.

I bit the monster's hand to free myself from the miserable grip.
"Ouch! Not fair, wifey." He exclaimed.

"Aww. Hubby got hurt. I am so sorry. Baby." I pouted with fake concern and turned around to head towards my place.

"Half an hour." He reminded me.
I pulled a face at him and concentrated on my work, ignoring his presence.

After a period of ten minutes, he stood up from his place and approached my desk. He walked around the desk and stood behind me. Ignoring him, I continued doing my work.

He positioned his hand on the desk from behind me. I felt him bending down towards me, close to my face. My eyes widely opened as he blew air beneath my ear creating a sensual pleasure in me. And the next moment, he seductively licked my earlobe. I froze at my place, being unaware of how to react, unaware of my own feelings. I closed my eyes trying to neglect the sensitive sensation that arose in me.

"It ain't possible, baby." He whispered.
"I-I can do it."
I wanted him to go from here as I can't do the work in his presence. It seems uncomfy.

"Let's see. What you got. After half an hour." He said and headed towards his table.

I just made a few changes in my presentation coz I ain't stupid to remake it. And in half in an hour? Not possible!

I showed my presentation to him.
"Impressive. But-" He stated as he viewed my presentation.
"But?" I questioned.
"You cannot fool me, baby."
"W-what do you mean?"
"You didn't remake it, did you? Admit it, baby."

Oops! How can he? Is he a mind-reader or something?!

"I can point it out from your facial expressions. Besides, I am a businessman. I can read your mind. So, it's better not to try to dupe me again. Because it won't work on me, darling."

Huh! Mind-reader!

"You didn't complete the first task. Your third chance is gone. Just two are left and trust me, sweetheart, you won't be able to fulfil them too."
"Leave." He ordered.

I exited his room and headed towards my cabin. I espied Alya talking to someone in a corner. I went nearer and caught a glimpse of a guy.

"Alya, please come back to me. I love you. I love you very much. I-"
"Don't ever dare to follow me again. Warning you." Alya raised her voice with her index finger pointed at the guy and turned around to leave.
But he quickly grabbed her arms and made her face him.

The man, with her, was named Austin but who is he to her?

"You can't drive my child away from me. I want my baby. I want you. I want a perfect family. Let's start our life from a new beginning. I can do anything for you. Just forget everything. Please. Please come back." He pleaded.

"Snap out of your dreams, Austin. It's just not possible! Just leave me alone. Get lost from my life!"
"Okay, I will never return to you. But remember, I will not leave you and Zayn. I know really well what I have to do now. I will not let you live in peace! I have a complete right on you and my baby." He tortured her.

Alya burst out laughing listening to his words.
"What will you do to destroy our peace? Snap out of it, Austin. You can't do anything to him. Instead, he can destroy you in just a snap of his fingers."
She walked away leaving him. I hid beside a wall not to come in her sight.

Alya lied to us. To Zayn. This is not his child. How can she stoop so low? Just for money, she is leaving the real father of her child. How can she do that? And me? I mistook him. I left his place thinking my husband fucked another woman. Huge mistake. No trust in our relationship. But I am happy that he isn't the father. The best truth I've ever found out.

I entered my cabin and settled myself on the chair. I rested my head on the head of the chair and closed my eyes, thinking about my messed up life.

I criticized Zayn for what he has not even done. I felt guilty for blaming him.

I can't stand it anymore! I have to apprise him of the pleasant, sugary truth. Alya is behind his money. She ain't a good woman! She is a bitch! A dirty, slutty, pure bitch.

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