Chapter 9 - The Spoiled Night

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Zayn's POV

"I don't want you to get off with me, at least not tonight." She stated in a solemn tone from beneath me. She looks so perfect being under me in my arms.

"Fine. If that's what you want, I'm okay with it until I find you clinging to another man's arms. You get the gist of my words?" With a grave face, I replied. After a slight nod from her, I pecked her lips for a moment and lay beside her.

• • •

I opened my eyes due to the irritating beep of the alarm and smiled when I realized she is in my arms. Her long, striking hair were glistening in the sunlight and her cheeks had an aura of innocence. My arm was draped around her waist and she was peacefully sleeping like an angel in a devil's refuge.

After stopping my mind from revolving around last night's memories, I gave a peck on her forehead and got up from the bed heading towards the bathroom.

After taking a dailing douche, I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist. For a moment, I was perplexed when I failed to catch a sight of her in the room but the next second, she walked inside our bedroom, freshened.

"Good morning, wife." Her gaze travelled in my direction and she licked her dry lips after finding me in a towel. With a naughty smile playing on my lips, I walked to my closet and pulled out a black suit from the wardrobe.

"Hey." I heard a low voice of hers from outside. After grabbing my things, I walked out of the closet just to find her with her phone beside her cheek talking to someone. "Are you better?" She added. "Umm, Zayn wants to talk to you." She spoke and with her phone clasped within her slender fingers, she extended her arm towards me.

"Apologize to him for whatever you did yesterday." She stated every word clearly looking me in the eyes. Fuck me sideways.

"Don't you fancy he should be the one apologizing to me for his unethical behaviour last night?" I raised a brow. If she thinks I'll do what she's saying at the moment, she's mistaken.

She strode towards me and turned on the speaker of her iPhone. I took a step away from her heading towards the closet refusing her demand but she swiftly grabbed my wrist with a glare directed towards me.

She muted the microphone of the mobile phone. "Do you wanna have a distant relationship with your sweatheart wife?" "What will I get in return?" I stepped towards her demanding a reply. "Whatever you wish." I raised a brow in surprise and amusement when she confidently answered.

I plucked the phone from her fingers, unmuted the microphone and started in a solemn voice after clearing my throat. "I apologize to you for beating the hell out of you last night when you dared to touch my wife. Next time you do it, neither you will be alive to forgive me nor apologize to me." The bastard started uttering some bullshit from the other side but I cut him mid-way by disconnecting the call and tossing the phone on the bed.

"Was this an apology or a threat?" She continued with her glaring. "I don't give a fuck." I snapped responding with a glare deadlier than hers. I normalized my expressions and informed, "After attending an important meeting, I'm returning before 5. I want you ready, we're going out." I gave a quick peck on one of her cheeks with one of my hands positioned on the small of her back before walking inside the closet to change.

Grace's POV

If I would ever get an opportunity to kill someone without ending up myself behind the bars, I would definitely kill this man!

After he left for his workplace, I bathed, changed and decided to pay a short visit to my parents and return before 5 because according to him, we'll be going out for I don't know what.

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