Chapter 6 - Our Closeness

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After 4 days

Grace's POV

Tomorrow it's the day when I would be someone's wife. How would I spend my life with that guy? He is so stony. He is like ice. I hope not to meet him again before marriage. This one day should be precious for me without that enigmatic man. I want to make it memorable!

I was thinking about the sudden changes that are taking place in my life and my phone bell rang.
It was my best friend, Amelia.

"Hey." I said as I answered the call.
"Hi! I am waiting for you. Come down. Quick! Do you have any important work today?"
"No, I am free."
"Yeah, so come down now!"
"But why?"
"Come down, then I will tell you." She disconnected the call, making me eager to know what is she up to.

I informed my mom and went outside the house.
I was so excited to see her. We both hugged each other as we were meeting after a week.

"So miss, you are getting married, finally!" She said teasing me.
"And that to my fiance's cousin, the billionaire, Mr Zayn Malik. Wow, lucky you are!" She continued with a wide smile on her face.

"Stop it, Amelia. Tell me why are you here? What are you up to?" I asked her.
"Umm. Let's hangout!"
"Please!" She pleaded.
"Okay, but where?" I asked, agreeing to her plead.
"Manhattan Mall." She replied.
"Actually. Not bad." I remarked.
"Not bad at all. It's perfect." She added.

It was a better idea than to sit at home and think about my future life.
I went back to my house to take the purse and keys.

We both sat in her car and she drove to the destination. We reached there in 10 minutes.
We both entered the mall and headed towards the food court as we were starving.

"You sit there. I will get MacDonalds." Amelia informed and headed to buy the meal.
I sat on a chair and kept my purse on the table. I was looking at my surroundings and.

Oh Gawd! What is he doing here? Why always he has to be there where I am?

I saw Zayn sitting and having meal with his friends. Two guys and two girls. Is one of them his girlfriend or something?

His face was towards me but thank God he didn't see me yet. I stood up from my chair and started walking to the opposite side so that he don't notice me.
I stood near a counter facing my back towards him.

"You were trying to avoid me, weren't you?" A familiar deep voice caressed my ears from behind, and I jumped in my place.

I spun around only to come face to face with Mr Zayn Malik. His face was a few inches away from mine, his hazel eyes level with my plain chocolate brown and his chest leaned towards me.

"Why will I?" I placed a hand on his broad shoulder and gently pushed his chest away. "I just came to grab a drink."

A smile tugged at his lips. "Liar, liar, pants on fire."

I stared at him with a clenched jaw. What was his problem?

"Well, well," he said as he lifted a hand to my face and caressed my cheek with the pad of his thumb. "Someone doesn't have the guts to face their fiancé; is that you I'm talking about, sweetheart?"

I pushed his hand away with a glare.

"Tell me, Grace." He again leaned closer but not as much as before. "How will you spend your whole life with me?" he asked with a crease in his brows.

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