Chapter 19 - Is He That Evil?

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Grace's POV

"You need to stop, goddammit!" I shouted at Zayn when he didn't respond to my soothing words as he was too busy in following Carl.

"Can you just shut your fuck up and let me concentrate?" He growled, irritatingly.

I have to stop him somehow from doing something wrong that he regrets later.

"But you can just hand him to the police and let the law punish him for his crimes." I suggested.
"What would you do if you would be in my shoes?" He asked while he turned his head towards me.
"I would do the exact what I just told you." I replied.

"Let me kill your parents in front of you and let's see what would you do to me at the moment. Won't you just kill me in a flash?" I just gaped at him while I was nonplussed by his odd words.

"Grace. Don't tryna stop me from what I am up to. Because you can't. And I ain't in my senses. So better be quiet." He commanded and continued with the chase.

"Will you kill him?" I queried.
"Killing that bastard won't make him suffer throughout his life." He asserted.

It is just impossible to handle this angry young man. He is just focused on Carl's destruction.

Before Zayn turned his head around towards the road, Carl's car just sped disappearing from his sight.
He sped harshly trying to follow Carl but stopped the car with a sudden halt at a turn. The car skidded and hit the fence.

"What's wrong with you? Are you tryna hurt him or me? If I get a single scratch over my body due to your harsh driving, I am gonna sue you, Mr Zayn Malik."

Woah! From where did that come from, huh?

"Go ahead, darling." He said and started using his mobile. This man can never change. If someone would be pointing a gun at him, he would surely be relaxed at that time too. Such a mysterious, strange man my hubby is.

"Wha-" I tried to speak but shut my mouth when he interrupted.
"Just don't utter a word from your mouth."

"Finally. Here he is." He muttered with a smirk featured on his face while his eyes still focused on the screen of his mob.

He sped the car and after a few minutes of harsh driving, he stopped the car in front of a building. It was actually a long one which had the title Taylor Enterprises.

He got out of the car and headed towards the entry of the building.
I quickly followed him as I knew that he could just lose his senses at any sec.

He got inside the building and headed towards the reception.

"Mr Carl Taylor?"

"Top floor." The receptionist answered with her big round hazel eyes staring at my husband in astonishment. She just drooled over him at the second she caught his sight just like every other girl.

Wanna have a punch, you bitch?

I followed Zayn as he entered the elevator and pushed the top floor button.

"You should be in the car. He can harm you." He said as he turned his gaze to me.

"Never know when you lose your senses." I blurted out and he returned it with a death glare of his.

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