Chapter 16 - Addicted to Her

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Grace's POV

"I won't ever force myself on you or kiss you without your will. Trust me. I won't." Zayn promised in a soft tone and gave a tender kiss on my hand with his soft lips. He held my hand and we both walked together.

After a few minutes of walking, he got a few pieces of log and burnt a fire. We both sat there and felt relaxed under the warmth.

"I will get something to eat. Just stay here and don't go anywhere." He informed.
"But I'm scared. I'll come with you."
"Baby is afraid? Well. Do you know there are wild animals around here?" He spoke.
"Are you serious?" I asked, looking at the enormous, dark trees around me.
"Yes." I noticed him smirking.
"You like to see people afraid? So bad of you." I commented as I knew that he was tryna make me afraid.
"So cute of you." He replied with a cute smirk on his lips.
"I will return in a few minutes." He made his way to the trees and disappeared. Finally, my husband went to fetch food for his wife.

I just sat there under the warmth, waiting for him to return. Just then, a howl caught my attention. It was scary. It seemed of a wolf or a dog. And unluckily, I am scared of both. If a wolf, I would be dead right there and then. I stood up from my place and took small steps towards the direction where Zayn went. The sound grew louder and scary. I started shivering but I tried hard to run.

I ran a few metres and there Zayn came in my sight. And I just glomped him tightly. I felt safe and secure as I hugged him.

After a few seconds, he made us apart.
"What happened? Are you fine?" He asked.
"T-That howl." I answered in a low voice.
"It's just a dog." He chuckled, took my hand and walked towards the bonfire. He made me sit down, giving a fruit to eat.

"From where did you bring these?" I questioned him.
"Do you really think I will climb those long trees for this? I just plucked these from a short one. Eat now." He answered.
"Oh, thanks by the way." I thanked him.
"My pleasure."

It was midnight, we both were sitting under the warmth of the fire. We somehow slept and the night passed.


The sunrays contacted my eyes and I woke up. I looked around and found Zayn talking to a few men, probably his guards. As I stood up and walked towards them, he turned and glanced at me.

We settled ourselves in a car in the back seat while the driver drove the car and other men settled themselves in another car.

We reached his mansion in half an hour. As we got out of the car, we gazed at each other. I remembered that I didn't want to enter his house a few days ago. 

But then, he took my hand and headed towards the entrance of his mansion.

I stopped and glanced at him.
"You have to trust me, wifey."
I was damn confused.

Shall I trust him or not? Shall I start my married life with him from a new beginning?

He didn't give me time to think and took me inside. Holding my hand, he entered his mansion and as we stepped in his bedroom, he shut the door with his leg and locked it.

He leaned against the wall and a smirk appeared on his face. The smirk immediately turned into a devilish laugh and I just stood there looking at him, startled.

"I won. Again, baby." He said with his lips tilted upwards forming a smirk on his devilish face.

He took manly steps towards me and grasped my waist.
"You're just mine. You can't escape from your own husband. Do you get it?" He said boldly.

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