Chapter 10 - Womanizer?

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Zayn's POV

"I'm going." She spat, turned around and left just like that. I sighed and flopped down into the chair fealing despaired.

I understand she has her own life, she is the type who wants to do what she wishes for but there are times when we should restrain our desires not just because someone else is refusing you but also to avoid the bleak outcome.

I refused because that place is patently not for her. It's dangerous and vulgar and bad in many ways. But she needs to go against me. Fine then, Mrs Malik, I too have my own ways.

I've been visiting this parlour since college with my buddies so I obviously know almost everything about it. I exited the parlour and walked towards the back door which leads to the club. The club unfortunately belongs to Jax and trust me, he's an asshole.

I stepped in the tiny enclosed bar through the door where a few of men were lying around, a couple drunk. As I began to make my way inside the club, a hand grabbed my elbow and one of the drunk man stepped in front of me blocking my way.

Extra huge. This is what I can say about the man looking down at me, burly and buffed. "Where do you think you're going, buddy?" He questioned with his fat voice.

"Move from my way." My frustrating tone made him narrow his eyes at me. "Wait. You're Mr Malik, right?" I turned around at the voice and found a familiar blue-eyed blonde guy curiously looking at me.

"Alex. Alexander Brian. Brian Corporates, something clicked?" The blonde guy introduced himself. "Yeah, of course, I remember." Our companies had a couple of business deals and he too attended the wedding ceremony and the reception. He's a polite guy but my mind is too clouded to recognize him instantly. "Well, your wife is having a nice time inside drinking and dancing."

"You met her inside?" I asked and he instantly replied, "Nope. Just noticed her there. I thought you both are together but I guess I was wrong." He frowned.

"I just didn't accompany her to the club." I admitted. "If she's having a pretty nice time so I think I shouldn't bother her. Let her live her life for once." I'm not being sarcastic or rude. If she's enjoying so let her. What's wrong in that? It's just that she's enjoying it more than she enjoys the time with me. Or maybe she doesn't like my company at all.

For almost fifteen minutes, I stayed there settled on the couch in the corner having short conversations with Alex after every short while trying to block her from my mind. "I'll get a drink for myself." I informed Alex and made my way inside the club.

I didn't want to but my eyes quickly began searching for her. And there she was, dancing with several burly men surrounding her. It provoked that feeling inside me when you want to snatch from dirty hands the one you're possessive and protective about and keep that one person safe in your arms. She was that delicate person I wanted to take away from scrutinizing gazes. The fact that she liked the situation she was in, pissed the shit out of me more than my evoking feelings.

I strolled towards the bar counter and ordered a glass of whiskey standing with my back facing the dance floor she was on with the guys.

Gulping the drink down, I ordered another one and walked back to the enclosed bar I was in. Where did Alex go? Whatever. After a several minutes of me sitting there thinking about nothing, Alex returned with a smile playing on his lips.

"Well, bro, your wife doesn't seem to be at peace without you. I think you should finally go and get her. She's complaining a lot about your carelessness." My eyebrows went higher at his words. "How can you say that, dude?" I queried.

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