Chapter 21 - Just Mine (The Last Chap)

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Zayn's POV

While softly bandaging her arm, I felt her gaze on me. I looked at her and she averted her eyes from mine.

"I know you are loving it. But, sweetheart, stop gazing at me so affectionately." I made her cheeks go red.

She looks so cute while she blushes. Her red cheeks were looking so soft and winsome. She is totally adorable.
So cute.
So sweet.
So innocent.
My angel.

She is a pure twinkling gem. My gem. Just mine.

I had the most precious thing but didn't value it. But now. I realised her value in my life. I don't have anyone other than her and so she is the most precious to me. Like a diamond in a coal mine.

I caressed her adorable cheeks and kissed her forehead. She bit her lower lip nervously and gazed at me intensely.

"Zayn." Her melodious voice reached my ear.

"What did you do to Carl? Did you kill him?" She asked.

"Why are you so worried about him? He shot you. I shot him. That's all." She seemed shocked listening to my words.

"Is he dead?"

"No. On hospital bed. He would regret his actions." I replied looking at her beautiful eyes.

"Come on. You need to take rest. And have your pills." I commanded as I handed her a glass of water and the pills.

She gulped down the pills and the water making a face.

"Not in a mood to take rest." She exclaimed.

"You need to."

"But I am tired of lying in the bed all day."

"Don't disobey me, baby. I don't like it."

"I am not going to the bed." She declared.

"I didn't ask you. Did I?" I said as I picked her up in my arms and laid her down on the bed.

"Do you think I can't get up?" She questioned, raising her flawless eyebrows.

"I will make sure you don't." I replied calmly.

Actually, this ain't going too well. She won't listen to me unless I talk to her lovingly.

"Listen to me. Baby. You need to take rest. I want you to get better as soon as possible. Once your arm is healed completely, then do whatever you want. I won't stop you. I promise." I assured her cupping her angelic face in my hands softly.

She blushed. Again.

"I don't want you to scold me again." She spoke.

"Then you've to make sure you don't disobey me."

"But I don't do what I'm not interested in."

"Grace. It's not about interest. It's about you. I want you perfectly fine."

"Since when did you become so caring?" She asked gazing at me intensely.

"Since I developed feelings for you. My angel." I told the truth while squeezing her hand in mine affectionately.

"I love you, Grace." I said while caressing her cheeks. And pecked her on her lips.

I didn't realise when these feelings developed in me.
I didn't realise when I fell in love with her.
I didn't realise when she became my innocent angel.
I didn't realise that I had the gem by didn't recognize it.
I didn't realise when she became my everything.
Yes. My everything.

My girl.

My wife. 

My angel.

My love.

"Won't you say anything?" I asked.

"What do you want me to say?" Her lower lip protruded into a spunky pout.
"Just what I said to you." I raised my eyebrows.

"What did you say to me?" She teased.
"Okay. So, you want me to say it again."

"Umm. Maybe." She replied.
"No. Not maybe. Admit it that you want me to say those three magical words again."

"Okay. I admit it, Mr Husband."
"But you too have to say those words to me." I challenged her.

"But. First you." She said.
I pulled her towards me and settled her on my lap. She looked surprised but blushed the next second. I had my hand on her thigh while she bit her lower lip.

"I love you baby." I said and pinned her to the mattress. She laid on the bed while I was on top of her.

Grace's POV

He's being too tender, amorous and compassionate.

His caring words.
His soft kisses.
His I love you.
All just makes me believe it.
Makes me trust him.
Makes me pull him to me.
Make me pull myself into him.

Kissing, biting, licking, sucking my lips. My neck. I moaned which made him more desperate to come closer to me. I can feel it. I can sense the feeling of love radiating from him.

"I love you too." I whispered while he had his hand in between my thighs. I left another moan from my lips.

We spent the night together on the bed. In each other's arms.

I feel comfortable with him.
I want him to be there by my side throughout my life.
I want him to be with me.
I want him. Just him.

Didn't know when I fell in love with him.
I fell for his looks the very first day when we met in the cafe. And that day was damn horrible. When he caught me with Drake. His smirks, his taunts, his teasing, his assertive kisses. Just made me hate him. But inside I was somewhere falling for him. His concealed side would never be revealed if we wouldn't be this intimate. Physically, mentally and heartily.

Now this caring and loving husband is thrusting in and out of me on the bed while I am moaning continuously.

The time changed in a flash. Once, I wanted to be far away from him. I wanted him not to touch me but still, he had an effect on me.
And now, at the moment we are together.
We love each other.
We care for each other.
We want each other badly.

Just him.
Just me.
Just we.
Just us.

"I love you so much, baby. You're mine. And I'm yours." He whispered in his sensual, passionate voice while biting my earlobe.

"Love you too. Baby." I replied while I kissed him on his shoulder.

° ° ° ° ° °

The End

Hope you all liked the ending.

It is my first story so there are flaws in it. But I hope you all enjoyed my work. And appreciate it.

Being a silent reader? It isn't good at all. So, don't hesitate to vote and comment. Feel free to be yourself.

I have started a new book.

Recklessly His

Go on and read that one too. Trust me. You'll love it..

I hope you all respect and adore my works.

Thank you for all the love.

Lots of Love,


Working on an epilogue. Will soon be updated.
- 21/7/17

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