Chapter 5 - Wifey!

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Zayn's POV

"Bye. Wifey! I hope I have made your day with that special convo on our first date. Haven't I?" I said, making her frustrated.

I quickly sped off but brought the car to a stop as something caught my attention on the seat beside me. And that was her blue purse which she left in my car.

Such an irresponsible girl she is!

I took a Uturn and parked my car in front of her house.
I took out my mobile phone and typed "Future wifey" as uncle Ethan has given me her phone number a day before.
I called her.
It was already engaged in a call.
I tried again but still it was busy.

Whom is she talking to from such a long time. I am sure it would be that shitty loser!

I tried again after a couple of minutes and finally she answered my call.

"You were on a call with that shitty loser? Weren't you?" I said as she answered the call.
"Do you always have to spit out poison from your mouth? Wait. How did you get my mobile num-?" She asked frustratingly.

"Come down. I am waiting for you." I interrupted her list of questions.
"Do you really think I will? I can't. And. I won't." She refused. Why does she need to do that?

"If you won't come down, then-"
I said alerting her.
"Then what will you do, huh?" She said interrupting me.
I calmed myself down and walked towards the door of her house.

"Ok, then I am gonna do what you don't want, wifey." I said teasing her and rang the door bell.
"Oh shit! What the hell?!" I heard her murmur.

I laughed loudly so that she could hear me before disconnecting the call. Her mother opened the door and was surprised to see me standing in the doorway.

"Hey." I greeted her.
"Zayn. You? Here?" She asked.
"Grace forgot her purse in my car. So I just came to return it." I explained.
"But-" She said in confusion.
Of course Grace wouldn't tell her mom about me dropping her in my car.

"Come inside, son " She said, addressing me.
I took a step inside before I heard someone's footsteps coming from the stairs. And their stood my wifey. I gazed at her.

"Oh, Grace! Here she is."
Her mom said looking at me.
"Hii." Grace said gritting her teeth and making an eye contact with me.
I gave her a cold smile.

"He came to return your purse which you left in his car. So sweet of him. Isn't it?" Her mother said with a smiley face, looking at her daughter.

Grace took two steps towards me and took her purse from my hand.

Grace's POV

"Ok, then I am gonna do what you don't want, wifey." He said teasing me.

Let me see what will he do! He can't control me like this. I am not his wife yet. And I won't let him control me even after being his wife.

And here I heard the door bell.
"Oh shit! What the hell?!" I murmured.

Mom will open the door and she will come to know that he dropped me home. But that doesn't matter. Infact she would be happy about it. Instead, she would be angry at me for not telling her that.

Oh gawd! I am not gonna leave this man!

I was confused in to go down or not. But what if he says extra bullshit to my mom.


I exited my room and climbed down the stairs. My slippers were scuffing on the wooden staircase.

I reached down and saw my future hubby standing a step forward from the doorway with my mother.
He looked up and gazed at me with his steely eyes giving a sultry expression.

"Oh Grace! Here is she!" My mother said looking at him.
"Hii." I said gritting my teeth, looking directly into his cold eyes.

He gave me a stony smile.
"He came to return your purse which you left in his car. So sweet of him. Isn't it?" My mother said looking at me.

What! My purse! Oh Gawd! How can I be so irresponsible.
It would be better if I would listen to him and come down to take my purse. I am such an idiot!

I took two steps forward and snatched my purse from his callous hands.
He tilted the right corner of his lips giving me an evil smirk.

"Come inside, Zayn. Grace will get you something to have. You don't have any important meeting or work, right?" My mom offered him.

What the hell! No! I don't want to make anything especially for him. I hope he refuse. I hope he have some important work to do.

"Well. I don't have any work and how can I refuse my mother-in-law. I would love to have it." He said grinning, as he stepped in the living room.

Urghhh! I knew he would never refuse. How can he deny teasing me when an open offer is knocking on his door?

"Take a seat." My mom said pointing with the hand towards the sofa.
"Yeah. Sure." He said while sitting.
"Grace! Go and get a glass of juice for Zayn."
"But mom-" I tried to refuse.
"Like a good girl. Grace." She ordered.

I sighed and headed towards the kitchen.
I took out a glass and pour the juice in it, for my future hubby.

I intentionally added two spoons of salt in the juice.
I placed the glass in a tray and started walking towards the living room.

I entered the living room and stood near my mom and him when my mom's mobile phone rang.

"Excuse me. I will just return in a few minutes. It's an important call." She excused us and exited the room .
I forwarded the tray towards him and he picked up the glass from the tray in my hands.
Taking a sip of my salty juice, he spat it out from his mouth and stood up from the sofa.

"That's pretty smart of you, wifey but I don't like it at all." He said, raising his right eyebrow.
"You deserve that. Don't you?" I replied him confidently, looking into his deep eyes.

He bent down towards me, equalling his eye level to mine, being just a few inches away from me. His face features looked prettier from before.

"I don't give a right to anyone to decide what I deserve and what I not."
I took a step back from him and frowned.

"It's not my concern. Mister. I can do a favour for you. I can arrange an appointment for you with a good doctor so that you get a check-up which you are really in a need of. "

"Make sure that it would be a lady doctor." He said giving a flirtatious smirk.
"Get lost from here."

"Yeah. Yeah. Don't worry. I am not gonna spend the whole night with you in your bed."
"See ya on our first night." He said while turning back.

He is such a flirt. A brat he is. Over-spoiled one!

I picked up the tray and the glass and headed towards the kitchen. I poured down the salty juice in the sink as it was useless now and was angry at him coz I had to ruin the luscious drinm because of him.

I washed the glass and climbed the stairs, heading towards my room. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. I ignored his thoughts which were revolving in my mind and soon drifted off into sleep.

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