Chapter 18 - Murdered?

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Zayn's POV

As I just left the bungalow, I caught sight of a person for a few seconds which forced my mind to recall the incident which occurred a few years ago.

The man sat in a car and drove off. It seemed my mind would explode at any moment. It was just bursting. I can't erase his nasty face from my memory. The man was a murderer. The murderer of my parents. The murder was named as an accident coz he made it seem like that. But I was aware of the truth. It was a murder which was planned perfectly by him. He executed his plan acting like an innocent one and before I could flay him alive coz of that ugly truth, he escaped.

Carl Taylor was one of my best buddies but he had some kind of strong jealousy growing inside him against me. Since then, he had been my rival in the college and university. He soon established a new business but tried to challenge me in every step of my success. The jealousy soon turned into hatred and he tried to create problems in my life and business. My father threatened him to be away or he would shut down Carl's company.

Carl just couldn't bear those threatens and my tremendous victory as my company was at heights while he was going down. And so, he just killed my strength, my parents. Taking revenge was compulsory but it would be possible if I would be knowing his location as he ran away coz he knew that I am aware that he is the murderer. His company was already down and in a few weeks, it got shut. I tried to find him but I wasn't aware that he is living here in Mauritius.

The car vanished from my sight before I could follow Carl. I walked inside the bungalow and headed towards a bedroom at the corner which had a drinking bar. She wasn't around and I just entered the room slamming the door behind. I always needed someone to be there with me. But whenever it was about my personal matters, no one was ever there for me after my parents passed away. I am already used to it as I keep my personal affairs to myself now.

I took my shirt off and opened a bottle of beer which always helps me soothe my nerves. I took a gulp of it, drinking the whole bottle at once and shattered it to the ground with a crashing sound. While I was gulping down the second one, the door of the bedroom opened and there stood the only woman in my life. My wife. My innocent wife who doesn't know the real me yet; who isn't aware of the dreadful death of my parent; who is just trying to be away from this heartless billionaire.

She doesn't know anything yet. If she would, it would be different between us. Our relationship would be sweeter and I would love it.

Grace's POV

It was midnight but Zayn did not return. He left the place in a bad mood and so I was a little worried about his whereabouts. I tried to call him but his phone came switched off.

Almost half an hour passed, but he didn't arrive home. I was in the kitchen preparing something to eat as I was really hungry. I heard a slam of a door which was beside the kitchen and walked out to check. I walked towards the door to check if Zayn arrived in. Didn't know what would he be doing in this bedroom if we have one upstairs.

I moved towards the door but my footsteps stopped as a sudden smash of glass caught my attention. I got a little frightened but recognized that it was the break of glass thrown wildly onto the floor. I approached the door and turned the knob. I opened the door and caught sight of Zayn who was lurching, shirtless, beside a drink bar. I rushed to him and realized that he was drunk. The smell of alcohol was so disgusting and sickening.

I held him and made him walk to the bed. I looked around the immense and alluring bedroom. It was beautiful. It had a big comfy bed, couches and a swimming pool too. It was a luxurious bedroom built for having fun. Drinking. Sleeping. Swimming and all.

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