Chapter 14 - My Freaking Luck

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Grace's POV

I barged into his room without knocking and was welcomed with his death glare.

"Sorry." I apologised for barging in.
He didn't pay any attention to me and was engaged in his work.
"Zayn, I need to talk to you."
"About what?" He questioned me with his eyes still on his laptop.
"A-about the baby."

"If you are here to talk about our personal life so you should be informed that I don't mix up my personal life with professional. And I am sick of your everyday taunts about the baby. So leave."
"But. At least listen to m-" I tried to talk to him.

"I am busy right now. I have a meeting with Young Elecs in half an hour and I want you to be in the conference room with the presentation you prepared. Don't be late and brace yourself for it coz it's not gonna be that easy." He ordered.

Why can't he listen to me? He will talk to me, he will taunt me, tease me, touch me whenever he feels to! And what about me? I wanna talk to him. Indeed, I need to talk to him. It's important. Urghhh! This man is a real asshole. No doubt. Right?

I exited his room and headed towards mine. I prepared myself for the presentation and at the given time, I headed towards the conference room. I entered and there were several businessmen and women seated. They all turned their gazes at me as I entered. I stepped in and stood beside Zayn.

"She is my w-. She is my personal assistant and she is gonna proceed with the project."

Was he gonna say me as his wife?

I was too nervous. All eyes on me. I didn't want to fail in this task too.
I built up confidence in me and started.

However, I presented well. I presumed that they were satisfied with my presentation. And finally, the deal was successful. I felt proud of my own self. Finally, I did it.

Wait! Why didn't he make me fail in this task too? Of course. How can he? If he would, there would be a loss for his own company. So, that's the reason behind it. Very mean, Mr Zayn Malik. Aah, forget that, now I should focus on telling him the truth.

I headed towards his cabin but stopped as I got a call from an unknown number. I didn't pick it up and headed towards his room. Again my phone bell rang and this time I picked it up.

"Hello, is this Mrs Zayn Malik?" Somebody spoke from the other side.
"Yes." I answered.

I don't know but I sometimes like it when somebody addresses me with that name.

"I had to inform you about your mother. She is in hospital and her condition is very critical. We hope to see you at Lenox Hill Hospital as soon as possible."
"I-I am com-ming!" I disconnected the call.

I became too tensed. I wanna meet my mom.
I exited the building and stood at the corner of the road to get a cab. Suddenly, somebody caught me from the back and placed a cloth on my mouth and the next moment, I fell in someone's arms in a dead faint.


I opened my eyes and was shocked to find myself in an unexpected situation. I was tied to a chair and the place seemed to be a wooden shack. There was no one around. I tried to free myself from the chair but before I could do so, I heard someone's footsteps. Gentle footsteps. And there a man stood in front of me. A tall, dark-skinned man.

"Good morning, Ms Bombshell."
"Wh-who are you? Wh-Why am I here?" I asked but knew that I wouldn't get an answer.
As expected, the huge man ignored my questions and took out his mobile phone to call someone.

"Boss, she is conscious. What's next?"

So, he is the dogsbody. Then who is the boss? Where am I stuck? Someone, please help!

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