Chapter 4 - The First Date

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Grace's POV

"Ms Grace Rochester, soon gonna be Mrs Zayn Malik. Accept his proposal because if you don't and instead, you marry the billionaire, I am gonna make your life a living hell. Do you understand?" He said in rage, staring at me.

I was going to speak up but before I could, Drake stood up from his place and spoke up, "Who are you to interfere in our private matters?"

"I see. Private matters. Well. Ask this from your beloved love. She knows me too well. Don't you, sweetheart?" Zayn replied, removing his sunglasses and making direct eye contact with me.

His face features were beautiful but his anger, on the ninth sky.

Both, Zayn and Drake were gazing at me. One was desperate for an answer and the other seemed to kill me right there. I spoke up telling Drake, "Drake, he is Zayn, with whom my marriage is arranged."
Drake narrowed his eyes at Zayn.

"I assumed you forgot about your future husband." Zayn raised his perfect-shaped eyebrow concentrating on me and completely ignoring Drake.

"Assumptions are mostly wrong." I stated without a flinch in my voice.
"I won't even let them be true. Baby." He brought a perfect reply.

"And you bastard. If I see you around her, I won't waste a second to slay you alive." He threatened Drake, raising his eyebrows.

Everyone's attention was on us three. It seemed that a show was going on here but a scary one. They seemed afraid of something. Is it because of him? The billionaire?

The next second, Zayn grasped my wrist. His hold was firm, it was hurting me.

He dragged me towards the exit and I was astounded by the sight in front of me. It was a stunning black Lamborghini. Is it his? Is he the owner of this beautiful thingie? Of course. Who else would it be? After all, he's a goddamn billionaire.

He pushed me inside his Lamborghini and I was seated on the comfy seat

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He pushed me inside his Lamborghini and I was seated on the comfy seat. It was designed perfectly from inside too. I was mesmerized.

Honestly, I was a little scared. But was trying my best to be confident in front of him. I never thought that our first meeting would be like this. In a cafe. And he catching me with Drake being proposed by him. But it ain't anything wrong. It ain't my fault.

Zayn opened the opposite door and was seated on his side beside me. He started driving.
I must say, he drives too perfectly. I looked at his clearly visible muscles and veins which made him way too hot and sexy.

"You should think about the consequences you would face instead of checking me out." He caught me looking at his muscles. Is he tryna scare me?

I build up confidence in myself and asked him, "Where are we going?"
"I'm kidnapping you." He said very calmly, while focusing on the road.

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