Chapter 20 - He is Changed

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Grace's POV

"I wish I was the monster you think I am." He spoke.

"Zayn. I never said that you're a monster. You just need to give a little more importance to people around you than you give to yourself. You need to shower your love over people who seem important to you in your life." I stated gently.

"Grace. I didn't have anybody to love after my parents passed away. How can you expect anybody to live as happily as he used to live before his parents' death?" He questioned with his deep gaze on me.

"After 20, mostly lives are beautiful. With freedom. Happiness. And love. I got none. It was hell for me. Worse than hell. I lost my parents the day before my 22nd birthday. 4 years. 4 fucking years. I've been living with no family. I had Ethan. And Albert. And will always have them. You know, Ethan is my father's friend. But he was always like a buddy to me. Now also, at the airport, you did notice his frankness with me. My father wasn't that rich and we used to live in a small bungalow. But then I started my own business and now currently, I am at the top. Huh. The Heartless Billionaire." He chuckled deeply with pain and displeasure in his voice and eyes.

"Carl was my buddy since college and university. But he had a fit of strong jealousy growing against me. After many threats and tortures of my dad to stay away from his son, that's me, Carl killed my parents. And escaped. Finally, now he is in front of my eyes and I'm can't let this chance go of destroying that fucking rascal. Now. You'd expect a man like me who was alone, to be heartless, ruthless and rude because he has no life. Except for money and power and girls drooling over him because of his looks. And there Ethan played the important role. It was his desire that I marry a simple yet elegant girl to make my life beautiful, that's how you're here, being my wife, the only woman in my life." He sighed.

"Enough of my sad story. I wanna sleep." He stood up from the bed.

Before he could take a step away, I asked him.

"Zayn. Do you think I can be a good wife?"

He turned his head towards me, gazed down at me, kneeled down in front of me and squeezed my both hands in his while I was seated on the bed.

"Trust me. You can be the perfect one." He replied and stood up. Bending his chest towards me, he pecked my cheek and gave a kiss on my ear. Unknowingly, I bent my chest and laid down on the bed with him on top of me.

The next second, we moved up to the pillow and he started giving me kisses on my neck, jawbone and collarbone giving me goosebumps all over my body while his hand grabbed the end of nightie and lifted it up revealing my thigh. His hand reached my stomach, caressing my thigh. His fingers and thumb started making small circles gently on the skin of my belly while he continued giving a trail of wet kisses on my neck. And the sexual moans escaped my lips while he was busy doing his magic on my body after removing his shirt, throwing it onto the floor.

"Beautiful." He murmured as he gazed down at my body after throwing my nightie on the floor, leaving me in my undergarments. He didn't leave an inch of my torso untouched, unkissed and unsucked, making me moan even louder.

I drifted off into sleep as he gave a kiss on my shoulder, lying beside me on the bed with his arms wrapped around my body, keeping me close to him.


Feeling the warmth, I pushed myself into the pillow, holding it closer. Safe, secure and protected. Was all that I felt under the comfortable zone.

I didn't want to get up from the bed but I opened my eyes as I felt a hand on my back and one on my waist. I looked up just to see his flawless face. Then I got it. It wasn't the pillow, it was him. My hubby. Who was sleeping holding me gently in his arms with his hands wrapped around me.

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