10: Gravity

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Harry's POV

* One Month Later *

A month had passed since I spent with Bailey. I haven't spoken to her since and didn't want to. I promised myself I had to stay away from her from now on.

As much as it hurt inside, I knew that this was for the best. And so now everytime I'd see her walking down the hallways of the university, I'd take the opposite path even though it meant that I'd arrive late to class, I didn't care. I just had to keep the promise.

The classes I had with her made it even more hard to stay away from her but I could still manage. I changed seats so I sat all the way in the back of the class, and I couldn't clearly hear what the professor was saying but I was okay with that. Nelly knew what I was doing but didn't say anything about it.

When the professor would let us do our work, I'd go at it and make myself come up with ideas even though my mind was blank. I had to keep my mind off of her and avoid her at all costs.

That always didn't work out though.

Every once in a while she'd turn back to talk to her friend but I knew better and saw from the corner of my eye her staring at me and as soon as she saw me noticing, I'd glue my eyes back at my paper and all the shit I was writing.

Sometimes she'd make an excuse to get up from her seat whether it was to get paper or sharpen her pencil, even though I saw her blank sheets of notebook paper in her backpack and a pencil pouch.

She'd always make sure to brush past me back and forth and one time she 'accidentally' dropped her pencil beside my desk and crouch down to get it, before looking up at me and trying to get my attention. All she got was a cold stare that lasted a few seconds before I completely ignored her again.

It hurt deep inside for me to treat her this way because she didn't deserve it, but each second of the day I'd remind myself that if I wanted her to forget all about me, I'd have to do this. And so I did.

When I'd pass by her locker and she'd either be with a friend or by herself, I'd pretend she was invisible and walk right past her without a single glance.

When I got home to the apartment, I'd grab something to eat at the kitchen and go straight to my room to do my homework. I'd finish when Liam would be done cooking and go out to eat. Sometimes Nelly would join us.

I'd make small talk if it were the three of us, I'd nod and say a few sentences while Nelly and Liam talked about a random topic. If it were only Liam and I, he'd try to get me to talk as much as possible.

I'd tag along on the weekends with Nelly, Liam, Niall, Louis, Adrienne, and Zayn. We'd hang out at Louis' house and talk and sometimes we'd go to the pub and get wasted. I always managed to get home by ten though.

And then I'd be lost in my own thoughts while I tried to sleep. I haven't read a single sentence from the notebook because I knew I'd go back to going at my worst. I was slowly making progress day by day.

I didn't feel complete, I never would be. But I felt better than I was before. Maybe this is what I needed, closure. Deep deep inside I knew that this was the best choice for me to make.

No more Bailey.

I'd get to live my life and she hers, no contact. As soon as I fell asleep with tears quietly and slowly pouring down my cheeks, the nightmares began over and over. She'd come back and haunt me.


I walked down the hallway with Nelly and Liam on either side of me, on our way to have lunch with the gang.

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