15: Loved You First

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Harry's POV

I stood still in the same spot, not knowing what to do.

Her other ex-boyfriend came back..

Thoughts ran through my mind and all I could think of in this shocking moment was what was he doing here?

Did he come back for her? Did he want her back? Or was it just a friendly visit?

Oh, who am I kidding.. I thought. He has his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, this was definitely not a friendly visit.

"Oh my god, what are you doing here?" Bailey asked after they both let go.

I stood silent, wanting to hear his answer.

"I came to visit you! I contacted your dad a few days ago and we planned on when I could come." He grinned widely and I couldn't help but feel mad and jealous.

Bailey nodded, grinning from ear to ear. Did she still love him? Did she want to get back with him? "What time did you get here?"

"About two hours ago. I went to your house and you weren't there so I didn't know what else to do besides walk around and explore."

"So then how did you find me here?"

"Oh I met this girl at a coffee shop I stopped by at. She knew that I wasn't from here and so she let me sit down with her. We talked for a few minutes and I found out that she goes to your same school and so I asked her if she knew you and she did and told me right away where you could be."

"Really? What was her name?" She asked.

"Uh.." He thought. "Nelly, her name was Nelly."

Nelly? Liam's Nelly? Why would she tell him where Bailey was? Why did she have to talk to him? Why did she have to be at the same place he was? Why did she have to ruin it?

"Oh." She sounded confused but quickly pushed the feeling away.

"Yeah.. Are you going to present your friend to me or are we just not going to meet?"

"Oh, right. Sorry." Bailey turned around and gave me an apologetic look for forgetting about me for the last minutes.

"Harry, this is Ethan. Ethan, this is my best friend, Harry."

I noticed how she gave me a title and not him. It made me happy somehow.

We shook hands and he gave me a nod before we let go.

"Nice to meet you, man."

I nodded, not saying anything.

"So.. Bailey, do you want to show me your house or..?" Ethan asked after seconds of awkward silence.

"Sure." Bailey smiled at him and grabbed her things before coming back to the entrance.

"I'll go wait outside. It was nice to meet you, man." Ethan smiled at me before leaving.

"I'll talk to you later, okay?" Bailey looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes. She was happy. Happy that he was here.

I nodded. "Okay."

Bailey leant up and kissed me on the cheek before exiting, closing the door behind her and leaving me all alone.


Laughter came from outside the door, two people to be exact.

Nelly and Liam opened the door still in laughter and didn't notice me waiting in the hallway until moments later.

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