24: Be My Baby

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Harry's POV

I hopped off my car, the wind slowly blowing through my hair and making my ears feel colder than how they were inside my vehicle moments ago. Since it was winter time, it got even colder than how London usually was and I had to be wearing more clothing so I wouldn't feel the coldness.

I turned on the alarm to my Range Rover with my remote and heard it beep before I started walking to campus. It was the last day of the week and I was glad that classes were passing by quickly.

They seemed to be getting harder and harder and I as well as the other students, needed a break. Christmas was coming soon and we would get the three week vacation we'd all deserved so that was something to look forward to as I walked into Uni.

I passed by hundreds of students, some moving to the side to let me walk by while others stayed in place, causing me to bump into them and get weird stares from them but I didn't care. I was in search of one person and that's all that mattered.

She and I had spent every moment in Uni together, hanging out with her and my friends or just by ourselves which was fine by the both of us. I have gotten to know her friends just as she had with mine apart from Nelly, who still avoided Bailey and I but we didn't care.

I knew why she wasn't fine with Bailey and I being together but she wasn't a part of our relationship. I did appreciate her concern for me getting hurt but I had this under control for now and didn't focus on the future even though I probably should. I still wasn't sure if I was going to tell Bai the truth or not but at the moment, I would tell nothing.

While I had been thinking this out, I hadn't noticed someone creep up behind me until I felt their hands cover my eyes, taking me by surprise.

"Guess who?" An assumption of a guy's voice was made but had failed miserably when the person behind me made a girly giggle, ruining the fake voice.

I chuckled and tried to guess, teasing her. "The mailman?"

My guess caused her to giggle uncontrollably, making her hands shake on my face. "No." She said while giggling. "Guess again."

"Hmm.." I pretended to think, and quickly turned around to face her. I felt her hands remove from my face and was faced with a beautiful girl who was grinning from ear to ear. I then held her by the waist, pulled her to my chest, and lifted her so her feet weren't touching the floor.

She squealed in response, probably causing some people to look at us since we were still in the hallway but I didn't care. If I wanted to show affection for her in front of others, then so be it.

"Harry, put me down!"

An immediate grin was placed on my face while I held her small in my arms. "Nope."

"Please," she begged, and I noticed how she had her head down, her hair hiding her face from me. It wasn't something I was liking.

"Let me guess who this person is." I teased, and lifted one of my hands while my other arm still held her up in the air. I teasingly made my fingers creep off her shoulder, making her giggle even more from the tickles.

"I'm guessing she's a very pretty sight since she's hiding herself from me." I said, and now held my hand above her ear. "Let's see who this mystery brunette is.."

My hand moved away her hair from her face and placed it behind her ear. Afterwards, I lifted her chin up with my fingers and saw her shyly smile at me.

"Yep," I was breathless. "Definitely a pretty sight." I said in awe.

Her cheeks had turned pink as she still smiled shyly at me while I still looked at her in awe. I gently placed her back down on the ground and ignored the soreness in my arm from carrying her too long. It was all worth it in the end.

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