8: Everything Has Changed Part I

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I waited in the corner of the hallway, patiently waiting for her to come.

"You don't know what you're doing." Nelly's voice spoke in my head before I left the room and decided to ditch with Bai. "You're only going to hurt yourself, she isn't the same girl you used to know, Harry. Why don't you listen?"

I am listening, I answered her in my head. Don't you think I've had enough of this? I have to face the fact that she isn't the same every single second of the day, don't you think I deserve to pretend that she's still the same?

Yes, I nodded. I deserved this. After all I've been through I do deserve this.

"I didn't think you'd come." A voice spoke behind me in my ear.

I turned around and saw Bailey grinning at me, a beautiful excited spark in her eyes. I loved seeing her happy.

"You coming?"

I nodded and followed her out of the campus, ignoring Nelly's parental voice in my head and just going with my heart.


"So, where do you want to go?"

"I thought you'd already know the place." I spoke as she drove in her black range rover. She was an excellent driver, smooth and safe.

"Nah," she shrugged her shoulders and I couldn't deny how cute she looked with her lips pouted. "I just wanted an escape, the class was boring me to death." She gave a short laugh at the end.

"If you were bored then why did you bring me?" I hope this didn't offend her nor to make her think that I didn't want to come because I sure as hell was happy that I came.

"Because," she paused shortly. "You seem like a great guy to hang out with and I want to get to know you better. It's not easy making friends here when you're new and I want you to be my friend."

She wants to be friends.

As much as I wanted it to be more, I accepted it. I could take it step by step, I could. I was willing to try, as long as I was with her I'd do just about anything.

"Alright, friend." I smiled at her and she returned it right away. "How about we go to Holmes Chapel and I can show you a river close by? We can get ice cream too, there's a shop near too."

By the look on her face, she liked the idea, and I couldn't be any more proud of myself for making her smile.


Light giggles and deep laughs surrounded the inside of the car, we couldn't stop laughing.

"Alright, alright," Bailey said in between laughs and taking deep breaths to calm down. "Can you say one more?"

"Okay." I nodded, and began telling another one of my jokes that she seemed to like. Finally someone understood them!

"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"


"Cow who?"

"No.. A cow goes moo."

Echoes of laughter took over the car again. I can't believe she was actually liking them, most people thought they sucked but yet here she was, enjoying jokes I've been making for ages.

"That's really smart, I'll admit." She said after she had calmed down and the laughter died down.

"Thank you."

"You know what I think?" She looked over at me when we stopped at a red light. She didn't wait for me to guess what she meant. "I think that in less than twenty four hours, we'll be the best of friends, I promise."

I promise.

Those same words she had told me years ago. I didn't know what to feel.


We walked along the riverside, my hands in my pockets of my black jeans and she walked in front, exploring a place she hadn't known until now.

We had arrived at Holmes Chapel, my home, and were now walking to a river close to my mum and step dad's house.

"So you've lived here all your life?" She asked as we walked along the edge of the flowing river. Tress surrounded it and thick green grass was on the ground.

"Yeah, until I went to Uni. My parents still live here and my sister is finishing Uni this year." I simply answered.

She nodded, taking a short silence.

"This is nice.." I guess she didn't know what to bring up.

I nodded, walking next to her. "Tell me about yourself."

She smiled, thankful that I had brought something up to say.

"I used to live here but apparently my parents, brothers, and I moved to the US because of job requirements.." She's been good so far."

"I don't quite remember half of the stuff while I've been there. All I can remember is that I stayed in the hospital for a while and I couldn't remember anything at all, not even my own name. My mom told me I crashed with a truck when there was a storm and I didn't quite understand why I did that knowing the weather conditions but mom told me that I hadn't known what was going to happen."

"Anyway, it took me a few months to remember everything, apparently I was depressed over something before the accident but mom won't tell me the reason why and now I'm back."

It hurt that she hadn't known why she had gotten in the car accident even though it wasn't her fault and little did she know she has memory loss and she can berly remember me.

"Harry? Are you okay?"

I realized I had begun crying.


I'm sorry that this is short but I promise I'll make a longer chapter and will update this week again (:

How was everyone's weekends? Any of you on thanksgiving break? How are you all liking Midnight Memories? I love ittt! What do you all think will happen next?

Have a good day!

(P.S. Who's happy those Harry and Kendall rumors are false? I am!!!! Baby is safe! :D)

(P.S.S. What was your fav part of 1d Day? I honestly loved it all, especially the Talk Dirty To Me video and gym video (; so proud of our boys! I love them so much!)

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