25: State Of Grace

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Harry's POV


My lips pecked at her neck, leaning forward to get more contact with her skin. She flinched as I pressed kisses, leaning forward so I wouldn't reach her anymore.

"Harry, stop."

I ignored her request, smirking against her neck as she scoffed and lifted her shoulder to push my face away. I chuckled against her skin before she turned to face me.

"You're supposed to be helping me. That's why I called you to come over, because you offered to help me with my homework but you're doing the complete opposite." Bai said, her face not holding any make up. She was absolutely way more beautiful without it. I loved seeing her natural.

"Is that the only reason why you called me over? Just a source to help you?" I teased, pretending to sound hurt.

"Obviously not." She rolled her eyes at my teasing. "But it was a main reason why I wanted you to come over. And all you're doing is teasing me while I'm stuck with this math problem."

"I'm sorry, baby." I pressed a kiss on her neck before I pulled her against my chest. Her body was resting in between my legs so her back was pressed to my chest and I was leaning on the pillows on her bed. I hugged her to me, giving her light squeeze before looking down at the math problem she was stuck on. "Ok, so for this problem.."

It took us half an hour to finish her math homework. I helped her on the problems she didn't know and watched as she did some on her own, letting her know if she made a mistake or not. By the time we were done, it was 9 pm. I wasn't sure what time I was getting home since Liam and Nelly were having a date night at the apartment.

"Are you staying tonight?" Bailey asked as she lifted herself off the bed and put her homework in her backpack before returning to sit down in front of me. She was wearing dark pink shorts and a light pink tank top, something she usually slept in.

"I'm not sure." I replied honestly. I was wearing tight jeans and a grey shirt. I was pretty sure she would let me let burrow some clothes so it was all up to her. "Do you want me to?"

"Mmm..." She teasingly thought. "Yes I do." She grinned and got up before handing me some clothes to put on. "Go change. I'm going to go check on the girls."

I did as she said and changed in the bathroom, only wearing the black shorts she handed me and taking off the rest. I wasn't sure if I should have kept my shirt on, so hopefully she wouldn't mind.

When I came out of the bathroom and dropped my clothes next to the bed, I sat down where I was sitting before and waited a second before Bailey walked in, stopping in her tracks at the sight of me. She stood there for a couple seconds before she composed herself and walked over, closing the door behind her. She sat down across from me, a smirk resting on her face.

"What is it?" I asked.

She shook her head, her smile still there. "I just didn't think you were the type of boyfriend who would take off his shirt until a couple months later in the relationship." She shrugged.

"Do you want me to put my shirt back on? I can go, and-"

"No, no." Bai shook her head and leaned forward to press her hand against my chest, making my heart race quicker. She could probably feel it judging by the way she smiled to herself. "It's alright. I like it. I didn't realize how fit you were until now, though. Why have you been hiding your body from me?"

I didn't know what to reply but the second she laughed, I knew that I was most likely blushing. "I-I.." I tried to speak but she had caught me off guard. I hadn't expected her to ask me that.

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