18: Right Now

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Harry's POV

"You.. What?"

I was completely stunned by her words and wanted to hear her say more about what she felt for me, a confession that I had just now heard.

Her eyes were still full of tears and I so badly wanted to reach over to brush them away from her beautiful and fragile face that I would never get tired of looking at.

"I have feelings for you Harry." She confirmed. "But I'm scared."

"Why are you scared? I'm not going to hurt you." Tension was in my voice and I reached over to place my hand over hers.

I could feel the electricity and sparks taking over my body. It was one of the most wonderful feelings in the world.

"It's not that, I'm sure you won't. I'm just scared of the outcome. What's going to happen to our friendship? What will there be left if we end up breaking up? And most importantly, what will we do with Ethan?"

This was the second time I had this talk with her. The first time she was younger and more naive to the world. The first time we had been in her bedroom, the time she had confessed her feelings for me.

And now here we were.

Years later and we both have grown older, in age and personality. This time was the same as the first time though.

Even though she was a completely different person, she still had the same characteristics as the old Bailey I knew.

"Ethan isn't good for you." I told her, my eyes looking into hers.

"If he was, then he wouldn't have ditched you to go with his friends at the party. If he was, then he'd be with you right now, but he's not."

"And as for the second part.." I sighed, not knowing what to say.

"I can promise you that if something does break us up, even if I try my hardest to not let that happen, we'll find our way to each other again. I promise."

She stayed silent after my mini speech, tears no longer leaving my eyes.

I searched for a sign of hope, but it was hard to tell with her face showing no emotion and I was growing frustrated, waiting for her to say something.

"I-I don't know.." Her voice was shaky and I sat up so I could reach more towards her.

"You have to trust me.. You do trust me don't you?"

"Yes." She whispered.

"Then please," my voice was in a begging tone. "Please give me a chance. One chance is all I need, I promise. I won't hurt you."

"When you kissed me.." She ignored what I said and went to a different topic that I've been wanting to speak about to her also.

"I felt something, and it wasn't just anything. I felt like you would keep me safe. I felt that you contained that same emotional connection to me like I do to you. I felt like you'd be there for me whenever I'd need you. But most of all, I felt wanted. And that's not something I'm used to."

She looked me in the eyes, her face serious with emotion. "You changed me, Harry. You made me someone better, someone I can be proud of and it all happened in a few months and I don't know how that could've happened in such a short time."

"I've been ignoring the signals my heart was telling me, pushing them away and only thinking about our friendship. But when that kiss happened, it took me with it and I couldn't stop thinking about you, us, this whole time."

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