21: One Thing

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Harry's POV

Bailey and I held hands as we walked down the street and walked into a small restaurant.

We sat down at a small table next to the glass window of the restaurant and there were already menus sitting on the table, ready to be looked at.

I grabbed the chair and Bailey sat down, thanking me before I scooted her in and sat down on a chair across from her.

We looked through the menu to look at what we wanted to eat and drink, there were many options from seafood, meat, spaghetti, and salads.

Not even two minutes later a waitress came over with a small notepad in hand and a pen on the other. She had long blonde hair and looked no older than twenty.

"Hi, I'm Macy, I will be your waitress for this afternoon. May I

take your drink order?" Her voice wasn't as high pitched as I expected and it was rather soft.

I looked over at Bailey who was looking down at her menu before looking up and smiling.

"Uh, can I get the mango lemonade, please?" She asked kindly, and Macy quickly wrote it down with a smile before turning to me.

"I'll just have a coke, please." I said.

Macy wrote my drink order down and smiled at both Bailey and I. "I will be back with your drinks and I'll take your orders." She said before excusing herself and leaving to the kitchen.

"Do you know what you're going to get?" I ask Bailey after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah, I'm going to get the spinach ravioli with shrimp." She says.

I nod, not knowing what else to say right now. Why am I so damn awkward? Say something!

"Why are you acting so nervous? I'm not going to bite." Bailey smiled.


"It's okay." She says, before leaning over and placing her hand on top of mine that's resting on the table. "I'm kind of nervous to since it's our first date."

This is a date?! Shit!

"Wow, wow, Harry." She notices my facial expression, which is shocked and way more nervous, and tries to get me to calm down by rubbing my hand softly. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I just thought you kind of figured.."

"I didn't think about it but yeah, it is a date." I say before Macy comes back with our drinks.

"The mango lemonade," she says as she places the drink in front of Bailey. "And the coke." She says as she puts my drink in front of me. "So can I take your orders if you're ready?" She asks as she takes out her notepad and pen, ready to write down our orders.

"I'll get the spinach ravioli with shrimp, please." Bailey said, and Macy quickly wrote her order on the paper before turning to me.

"I'll, um, get the cheese ravioli with meatballs," I said.


"Please." I repeated after Bailey and she smiled.

Macy wrote down my order while smiling, probably at how Bailey reminded me of my manners and put her pen away in her pocket and looked at us. "Will that be all?"

I looked at Bailey and she nodded. I turned back to Macy and nodded at her. "Yes, thank you."

"No problem, I'll be back in less than twenty minutes with your orders." She said before leaving us alone again.

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