5: Sorry

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Harry's POV

Seeing her back there was painful, having her presence at my vulnerable state was even worse.

"Harry, please calm down." Nelly begged me while the girl next to her stood there with crossed arms.

The girl who was now a complete stranger to me.

I stayed down against the wall with my face in my hands, sobbing. I couldn't take this, I just couldn't.

Each time I looked at her the words from the letter kept appearing in my head.

I'll never forget you, bubba.

I cried even harder after those words circled me around in my head. Why? Why did she have to leave me? Why did she have to forget completely about me?

"Can you please leave us alone?" Nelly asked the stranger.

"I'm not moving until he explains to me why he has been staring at me this whole day." The stranger spoke coldly.

"Please." Nelly begged her again.

I could tell the stranger didn't move when I didn't hear any footsteps walking away.

"Harry." I could feel Nelly bend down beside me. "Please stop crying, if you want, we can go home."

"Not before he explains this to me." The stranger spoke.

"Just shut up, would you?" Nelly fired at her.

I looked up with blurry eyes and saw Nelly bent down in front of me and a few steps behind her standing was the stranger who I loved.

"Are you okay now?" Nelly asked me with concern.

I looked at her for a moment before nodding and standing up with her from my spot against the wall.

I then moved my eyes to the stranger and saw her face soften at the sight of me. My vulnerable state.

I walked towards her slowly with Nelly's arms wrapped around me to help me from breaking down again.

As soon as I stood in front of her, I could feel the tears beginning to build up again.

The stranger's eyes went from soft to hard again. "Explain." She ordered.

"You.." I was beginning to say the truth, but I stopped myself. "You remind me of someone who I once used to love. I loved her with all my heart and she left a few years back. Seeing you, you look just like her and remind me of her. That's all."

The stranger's eyes changed once again and she looked as if what I had said wasn't something she had expected. She probably thought I'd say something pervertive or mean.

"Where'd she go?" Her question confused me. Why did she want to know?

"The US." I answered.

She nodded. "Is she back?"


She nodded again, me not understanding what she was thinking. "Okay." And with that, she left me alone with a confused Nelly.


I was back in mine and Liam's apartment, laying on my bed while watching some tv.

I have been crying for hours since I left Uni and had finally stopped.

Nelly had gone back to pick up Liam while I stayed here by myself.

"Don't go anywhere." Nelly had ordered me. "Or do anything stupid."

I didn't say anything by the time she had left.

I've been watching tv for about five minutes and I was already bored. I was thinking about calling my mum or Gemma but I didn't want them to hear my teary voice and ask me what was wrong.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the box I had been given last night by the stranger's mum and couldn't stop starting at it.

Why not read another letter? I asked myself. Because then you'll start crying like a baby, you idiot.

I went back and forth in my head and just had enough of it before I got up and grabbed the box before sitting back down on the bed.

I opened the box with hesitant hands and grabbed the top letter before putting it on the bed and grabbing the one underneath it. A new one.

I took deep breaths and could feel the tears as I opened it.

Dear Harry,

We just arrived at the new house and I'm in my room. It's big. It has two floors and five bedrooms and two bathrooms with a garden in the back. My mom kept trying to tell me that it wasn't bad but you know what's bad? Not being with you. I could care less about this house, I want you. I'm trying to leave at any given opportunity but my parents keep checking up on me. Why can't they just leave me alone? Can't they see that they've given me too much pain already? I really miss you Harry. I'm sorry for screwing everything up, I really am. If it weren't for me being in your life, we wouldn't be going through this. You'd be happy, with a girl who you'd love with all your heart. And I'd be here, studying and being the dork girl I am. We wouldn't have met and we wouldn't have been going through this pain. All this sorrow and pain I've caused both of us. Broken hearts, last good byes, restless nights, no lullabies. I'm sorry I let you down, I'm sorry for breaking all the promises I'm not around to keep. I'm sorry for ruining our plan. But this will be the last time I screw things up. I promise when I get back I'll be good. I won't leave your side ever again and I'll love you like you deserve to be loved. I'll make you happy, I promise. But if it's too late and you find someone, then I'll let you go. And I'll leave you alone forever. We'll go our separate ways if it's too late. And I'll be sorry I let you down. I'll be sorry for not being good enough and for not fighting for our love like you have. I'm sorry I let your heart out in the rain, I'm sorry. If you walk away, I'll know it's my price to pay for leaving you. I'll know that my love for you wasn't enough for you. Even though I don't foresee us going our separate ways, I'll let you go. But as of right now, I'm leaving. I'm going back to you and if I don't make it, at least I tried right? Even if I didn't try enough..

But I'll always love you.

Bailey xx

"Harry!" Nelly screamed before I lifted the knife.

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