13: Strong

450 9 2

Harry's POV

We walked side by side on the sidewalk, both of us holding ice cream.

Wandering through London at nearly seven in the afternoon, we looked for something to do after spending almost three hours at a small café and buying ice cream afterwards.

"How about a movie?" Bailey suggested as we looked around, cars passing by in the lanes next to us.

She drove us here but we parked the car in front of the restaurant and decided to walk around and save the gas for later when we returned home.

"What movies are out?"

"Mmm.." She thought and bit her lip as she continued to think. Seeing her biting her lip nearly had me wanting to grab her face and wanting to kiss her so badly but I couldn't.

That was the worst part. I couldn't do the things I'd usually do to her anymore.

No more hugging, hand holding, kisses on the cheek, kisses on the lips, arms wrapped around waist or neck, unexpected hugs and kisses..

None of that.

".. Or we can go watch that new movie Frozen." She suggested, cutting me off from my thoughts. "I know it's a Disney movie but I've heard good things about it."

I've seen the commercials on my telly and for some unexpected reason I did want to watch this movie to see what this hype was about.

"That sounds good."

She smiled that beautiful smile of hers, and nodded. "Awesome."


We walked in line and each paid for our tickets since we both wouldn't give up on who was paying so we were each paying for ourselves.

The worker who gave us the tickets didn't seem surprised that two collage students were coming to see a PG film which was kind of weird but cool at the same time since we weren't the only ones.

We got popcorn and snacks before entering the movie room. I opened the door for Bailey to go in and behind her went an elderly woman and her granddaughter I assume and both thanked me with a smile.

Bailey chose the middle section seats and we sat down, five minutes away from the movie starting.

There were many little kids with their parents here and only a few people around our age.


I turned my head towards Bailey's voice and saw that she was holding her phone at arm's distance, the front camera on.

"Scoot closer, let's take a selfie." I heard her order and I mentally rolled my eyes at these so called 'selfies' that people were addicted to now a days.

She tapped the screen just in time for me to smile and the picture showed up with both of us with smiles on our faces.

She didn't hesitate and did it again, this time with us having silly faces. It all kept going and soon enough there were pictures of us with the most random faces and all we could do was laugh at ourselves and how weird we looked.

"I am so posting these on Instagram," she said in between laughs and for some reason, it made me laugh even more.

People around us shushed us as the movie was starting in less than a minute. Meanwhile, I watched Bailey on her phone and posting two pictures.

One of them was the first one where we were both smiling. Our shoulders were touching which I hadn't noticed, my dimples were showing and she was blushing, her cheeks a bit puffed out but she still looked beautiful.

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