3: Before The Storm

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Nelly held me in her arms while I poured my heart out. I had my face buried into her elbow while she sat on the bed, holding the boy with the broken heart.

My eyes were blurry but I could see the figure of Liam against the doorway. I couldn't see his expression over my tearful eyes.

"It's okay, just let it all out." Nelly encouraged.

I simply obeyed and let it out.


Three hours later, I managed to calm down, for now.

Nelly excused herself to make me some tea, Liam following after her, most likely scared to be alone with me over what happened before she came.

I felt bad for exploding Liam but at the same time, I didn't care. Look at what I am going through! I bet of this were reversed, he would've acted the same if it happened to Nelly.

I remained in bed while they made me my tea, and all I could do was remember the flood of memories going through my head.

* Flashback *

"It's late Harry." Her soft and melodic voice said through the phone.

"I know." I said with a smile.

She laughed silently. "We have school tomorrow."


I could hear her try to cover her mouth from laughing again. "Which means, we have to hang up."

"But I don't wanna hang up." I pouted even though she couldn't see me.

We have been talking for more than five hours but I still couldn't get enough of her voice. If I could, I'd stay up all night listening to her talk about anything. But she was right, it was late.

"Okay." I sighed.

"You know I don't want to either." She sensed my sadness. "But I don't want to get caught by my parents, bubba."

I grinned at the nickname she had given to me. Every time she said it, it made my heart melt. I know, not manly but I have feelings too.

"Okay." I simply said.


"If you quote John Green, there is no way I will be able to sleep, love." I pointed out.

"You did, too." She giggled.

If only I could see her hide her mouth with her hand as she made that gorgeous sound.. I thought.

"So you do wanna stay up?" I hoped.

"No, I wish, but I have to go."


"Night Harry."

"Good night princess."


"What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing, I was just looking out my window and saw that our heart was up in the sky."



I got up from my bed and opened the curtain to my window. I opened it before examining the sky until I found it.

Our heart.

"Do you see it?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

I smiled at the way the heart glowed in the sky, out shining the other stars. It really was ours, made from our love.

"It's amazing."

* End Of Flashback *

I sniffed before I sat up from my bed and slowly made my way to the window on the wall.

Each time I took a step, my heart raced more and more. It knew that it was out there and it was looking out for me.

But I didn't listen. I needed to see it.

I slowly opened the curtain and there it was. It was the only thing that shined the most.

I was at a loss of breath, I held onto the counter and tried to get myself up but I couldn't. It was until I felt that someone had their arms wrapped around me and helped me get up.

"Stay still, Haz," Liam spoke behind me as he helped me stand.

"Harry, what happened?" Nelly walked around Liam and stood in front of me with more concern than before and worry.

I looked out the window and it didn't shine as much anymore. You could berly see it.

I tried to speak but I still couldn't perfectly breathe. It was when drops felt on my shirt that I found out I was crying again.

"We need to get you back up again."


I was back sitting down but on the couch while Liam tried to put on a movie for us to watch, trying to distract me but there'd be nothing distracting from me.

Nelly brought over my tea without looking at me.

I had gone back to my regular breathing after I lost my breath.

Everyone was quiet but I didn't mind. There was nothing to talk about. I just wanted to stay to myself like I had before after she left. It was always just me.

I sat at the corner of the sofa while Liam and Nelly sat in the middle. I could see them taking glances at me while the previews played on the TV.

Liam had chosen to play Toy Story, no surprise there. I didn't really pay much attention to the movie, I just thought to myself.

It didn't seem like they were into the movie neither, they were just looking at me, making sure I didn't explode or stop breathing again.

All I did was wonder. Wonder what she was doing, if she was asleep, doing homework, thinking about tomorrow, thinking about a cute guy she met today.

The last part nearly had me at the verge of tears and a case of exploding from jealousy.

I was her love, and always will be.

I knew deep inside that we were meant to be. Bailey and I were meant to meet each other and fall in love. We were soul mates.

That could have been the life for us.

But everything changed.

My thoughts were cut off when there was a knock on the door. I immediately looked at the door and got up, following Liam to the entrance with Nelly following behind.

Maybe this is it. Maybe it was just all fake and she was back to tell me that it was just a joke and that she did remember everything.

She remembered her and I. She remembered all our memories together and wanted to make more with me.

Yes, that has to be it.

My heart was crushed when the person at the door wasn't her. Instead, it was her mom.

"Lily?" Liam asked as we were all confused.

Her mom appeared frantic and worried. "I just came down to give something to Harry."

"Me?" I breathed.

She nodded with a frown on her face and lifted her hand with a box in her hand, she extended her arm to me and handed me the box.

"You'll understand." She spoke before leaving.

Nelly and Liam were even more confused and I looked down at the box. What could possibly be in there? And why would I understand? Understand what?

"What's in it?" Nelly asked.

I took a deep breath, which didn't last long, and opened the box.

I grabbed the first thing on top of the box and looked at it questioningly.

It was a box full of letters.

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