22: Break Free

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Harry's POV

I waited patiently as Bailey looked through her clothes in her closet back in her and her roommate's flat for something to wear to the party tonight.

Since her place was closer to Uni, we came her first before we'd stop by my place next and then we'd drive to the party afterwards.

"Aha! Found it!" I heard Bailey say before she grabbed the clothing she was looking for and went into the bathroom to change while I waited.

I sat on her bed for the next fifteen minutes until she came out of the bathroom in completely different attire.

She was dressed in a dark sky blue skater skirt, a black and white spaghetti strapped crop top, and black high heels. Her hair was curled and long and she looked absolutely stunning.

"What do you think?" She asked after she spotted my gaze at her.

"I-I.." I should not stutter. "I think it looks perfect. You look perfect." I said nervously and she chuckled from that.

"Thank you." She smiled and nodded sincerely.

"Now, your flat?"


The trip to the flat was rather fast. I had parked the car right in front of it and we both got out before we entered my flat I shared with Liam.

As soon as we stepped in, I knew he wasn't in due to the lack of TV playing. He was never really in when I got home, not until later since he spend most of his time with Nelly.

I excused myself and walked to my room without Bailey following behind. I opened my closet door and started going through shirts to wear and decided on wearing something simple; a black shirt.

After rummaging through my pants, a picked one out of the six pairs of black skinny jeans I had and grabbed socks on my way to my bed.

"Is it okay if I get some water?" I heard Bailey call from the living room.

"Yeah, help yourself." I said loudly for her to hear while taking off the current shirt I had on and slipping on the black shirt before changing my jeans and socks.

After I was all dressed, I turned on the faucet in my bathroom and getting a bit of water and wetting my hair, my hand motioning my hair up for it to look messy but not too messy. I brushed my teeth quickly afterwards and put on some flower deodorant under my underarms.

As soon as I looked presentable, I put on my shoes and walked out of my room. Bailey wasn't in the living room and it didn't take me long to figure she was in the kitchen; she was.

"Sorry," she apologized when she noticed me staring at her. She had been looking at the pictures on the refrigerator that Liam had posted with magnets. "Are these your two best friends?"

I knew she had been talking about Liam and Nelly since literally all the pictures on the fridge were about them. Liam had encouraged me to post one of mine when we first moved in but I quickly said no for obvious reasons.

"Liam is a good friend of mine." I nodded and confirmed to her. "And Nelly is Liam's girlfriend so I guess we are close, too."

Bailey smiled, nodding her head and backing away from the fridge and walking closer to me. "Well, I hope I can be close to you as you are with them."

Little did she know that she was way closer to me than Liam and Nelly were. But she didn't know that.

"I do, too." I told her and reached down to hold her hand in mine before looking up at her with a smile.

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