26: Blank Space

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Harry's POV

Visiting my mum was one of my favorite things to do. Uni in London was hours away from my home in Cheshire where mum and Robin lived. Gemma was currently living with one of her friends and she too, was visiting mum today.

I drove early in the morning to get a head start and avoid traffic on the road. I stopped twice to get coffee and to take a wee before continuing my journey to the place I spent my whole life in. When I parked my Range Rover, I saw Gemma's car in the driveway, letting me know that she was already here.

I turned off the car before climbing off and locking it. I wore a long black coat that covered me but it was opened to show that I was wearing a white t-shirt and black jeans. I climbed up the steps before knocking on the door. Seconds after it opened, I was in mum's arms.

"You made it." She cried into my shoulder before letting go and examining me at arms length. "My, you've gotten so big. You look amazing, darling."

She too, looked amazing. No matter how old my mum got, she still looked young. She wore a red jumper and jeans. Her hair was half up and no trace on make up was on her face. She looked beautiful.

"Come in, baby. It's cold outside."

I did as she told and went inside before she closed the door behind us and lead us inside. The fireplace was on and I could smell the aroma of hot chocolate from the kitchen. She and Gemma must've made it, it was their thing.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" My sister yelled from the kitchen before appearing in the living room seconds later. She wore black jeans and a red long knit sweater while a grey hoodie rested on her head and she had pink socks covering her feet. "Harry!!"

I returned the hug my sister gave me, realizing how much I missed her and her company. "Hey, Gem."

"How's Uni been?" She asks after we let go and pulls me to sit on the couch while Mum goes to the kitchen and brings back three coffee mugs in hand. Two in her hand and one in between her arm and chest.

"It's been great. The exams and homework have been a pain in the arse though." I comment, making both mum and Gemma laugh.

"Told ya."

Small talk is spoken between us. We talk more about Uni, Gemma's moving and her new job, and how Mum, Robin, and Dusty have been doing. Turns out Gemma loves her new job and Mum, Robin, and Dusty have been doing just fine. We move and sit in front of the fireplace while Dusty comes to rest on my lap. It's been two hours since I've arrived and I realized how much I tended to miss having these talks and spending time with my family. It's breaks like these that make me appreciate the time I have with them before returning to school and going back to the restless nights doing homework.

I decided to bring it up. I needed to know their opinion on the situation I was living and couldn't keep it in any longer. "How would you feel if I said that Bailey would really like to meet you?"

Both of them stopped talking about Gemma's new bunnies and turned to face me. They didn't appear shocked but they did show concern. I didn't know what they were going to say.

Of course I let Mum in on what had happened. She knew that Bailey had a car accident and had lost her family. But the last time I mentioned Bailey to her, it was when she was back with her ex-boyfriend. She didn't know that he had left back to the US and how she and I were dating again.

I'm sure she told Gemma all of this but I didn't mind. My sister has had her experiences on relationships and had well insight of what was the good and bad in them. I still remember her the advice she gave me in the past when I had other girlfriends before Bailey.

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